259 results found
SMART screen share app - update to work with MacOS14 SMART Screen share no longer works once a user has updated to MacOS14. When you have boards mounted to the wall, connecting the laptop using wires is a step backward and also a safely hazard. Our teachers need the ability use touchback which makes your suggestion of using airplay or googlecast worthless since they do not allow touchback. Holding back updating to the latest OS on our laptops is not possible. Consider updating the SMART screen share app, OR making SMART mirror functional on the 6000 series boards.
3 votes -
The credit-based licensing system calculation is too complex. The complexity of the calculation involved in the Smart Remote Management credit-based licensing system has led to a lack of understanding among most customers.
Additionally, Education customers face separate different time slots when purchasing the IFP, further complicating matters.
Even the Smart Support Agents are struggling to fully comprehend this credit-based licensing system.
Therefore, it is recommended to contemplate simplifying the licensing system.1 vote -
Show actual ACTIVE pen settings When you change the pen mode, it sticks to the change (as it should). But if you go back to see which one you have selected at the moment, it shows the default (regular pen thickness, black color), so users think they are stuck with a kind of pen or color they don't want anymore. You have to go change it on both pen style AND color in order to go back to normal or back to where you want.
It would be more straightforward if what you see is what you get. Please check on the attached video for…
2 votes -
Export all/multiple drawings as pdf at the same time This was removed in 3.12, but it was broken/buggy before then. Reinstate multi-export to USB. Currently only supported to export one at a time - not useful with hundreds of drawings!
1 vote -
Allow saving of the open tabs as your chromium start up screen Allow saving of the open tabs as your chromium start up screen. Every time there is an update I have to reload all of my chromium tabs and passwords for those websites. Please make it like the chrome desktop setting where there is an option to "open specific pages (tabs) on startup". Thanks!
3 votesHello! It looks like others using Chromium and Google Chrome on Android are experiencing the same frustration. Google is currently working on this but no release date yet. I expect to see this in a future version of Chrome/Chromium.
Provision/change settings for SMART Mirror within the Remote Management portal Despite newer boards now forcing the use of SMART Mirror, there is no functional way of managing settings within the app via Remote Management, simply being told to manually apply these instead.
On a fleet of 140ish boards, that simply isn't sustainable, especially not for a consistent experience for staff and students.
The following should be configurable via the MDM as a minimum:
- Room Name (including an option to copy the board name that is set already, like Screen Share previously did).
- Moderator Mode.
- Floating ID.
- All network settings, including enabling/disabling AirPlay, Miracast, Google Cast etc…13 votes -
Graphing Calculator Emulator As a high school math teacher we use a lot of graphing calculators as well as desmos. Is there a way we could get a graphing calculator emulator (like wabbitemu) so we can show them what buttons to press on?
1 vote -
Add a Compass Widget I think it would be good to add a compass widget, ideally one that can be duplicated so some geometry proofs can be demonstrated on the whiteboard.
5 votes -
All inserted videos to be deleted as needed in Whiteboard App In the Whiteboard app, we've been able to insert a video(s) on a page to have ready for instruction and it would open full screen. Just recently, we lost the ability to delete the video. PLEASE reinstate this ability to resize and delete if needed. Having teaching resources at your fingertips is priceless. Thanks
2 votesSorry about this! We're currently working on a solution for the next iQ release.
In the meantime, this is how some users are deleting videos:
1. Hold and drag video (even just an inch or something) so the light blue annotation selection rectangle shows up
2. Put a second finger on the video (might need to make a motion so the whiteboard acknowledges the second finger, such as the increase/decrease video size motion)
3. Remove the original finger and pan on some empty space on the whiteboard. You will see the radar view's gridlines move to let you know you were successful.
The above guarantees you can always select the video, and doesn't launch the video
Sticky Note Widget I would love to have a sticky note widget that could be used for standards and objectives.
24 votesThis feature will be included in an upcoming release of the iQ Whiteboard.
Export student completed slides into other file types After students have completed an interactive whiteboard (either whole class, small group, or individual), I would like to be able to export their work in different file types.
1 vote -
Add the international phonetic alphabet to smartboard language options I work for Tla'amin Nation's Education Department, and we use SMARTboards in our ʔayʔaǰuθəm immersion classrooms. ʔayʔaǰuθəm (pronounced Ayajuthem) is the language of the Tla'amin people and is written using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). If IPA was available as a language pack to download, like English or Arabic or Japanese, then we could use the ink to text feature for ʔayʔaǰuθəm language classes, which would be so great!
You can find information about the ʔayʔaǰuθəm keyboard here: https://keyman.com/keyboards/fv_klahoose
You can find more information about the International Phonetic Alphabet here: https://www.internationalphoneticalphabet.org/ipa-sounds/ipa-chart-with-sounds/
1 vote -
Wifi setup using NFC Many educational centers use WPA2 and each user has to enter their credentials to access the Internet.
It would be very practical to be able to use NFC cards to configure the connection to the WiFi, in addition to logging in to the Smartboard.1 voteThank you for this idea. This is currently under review for the next generation of displays with NFC capability.
Profil Boardübergreifend verfügbar machen Wir melden uns an den Boards mittels NFC-Karte mit unseren MS 365 Konten an. Ich kann mein Profil pro Board sehr schön konfigurieren und muss mich so nur einmalig an des Apps anmelden und die Apps sind in meinem Profil gespeichert. Allerdings muss ich die Installationen und App-Einrichtungen an jedem Board wiederholen. Es wäre schön, wenn ich mir einmal ein Profil einrichte und ich dieses Profil an jedem Board verfügbar habe.
1 vote -
Reset whiteboards at the end of a period I have quite a few staff who used SMART notebook for their lunch counts and would like to transition to using a lumio file in the embedded IQ. The problem they're having is that they have to undo each and every student name move every day, whereas with notebook, they just didn't save the file so it reverted back to the original file. This would also be helpful when doing the same lesson with multiple classes.
1 vote -
Link multiple ID cards to one SMART account I'd love to have multiple ID cards for an account in the cases of team teachers, substitutes, and shared classrooms.
1 vote -
Make the remote work for the imbedded whiteboard I'd love to be able to toggle whiteboard files using the remote so that I can do so from anywhere in the room
1 vote -
Same tools in handouts, Lumio, and Whiteboard When logged in to the board I am unable to demonstrate the use of the tools the students have on a handout, unless I plug my laptop into the board.
16 votes -
10 votes
Add a close icon button to the SMART mirror floater window Add a close icon button to the SMART mirror floater that remains visible on screen once SMART mirror is activated. This floater can be disabled from the Settings, but this is not obvious to teachers/faculty who are used to being able to close floating (undocked) dialog boxes either by swiping off screen, swiping to an onscreen ⓧ, or clicking on a close icon on the floating dialog box. The floater is persistent even after the SMART mirror session is over unless disabled in the Settings.
6 votes
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