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SMART iQ Embedded Experience

SMART iQ Embedded Experience

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SMART iQ Embedded Experience



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19 results found

  1. Teacher would like ability to play audio via apps (spotify, youtube...) and black out display.

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  2. Please bring back the ability to play a YouTube video in the background when you change tabs in the Chromium browser. Our programs operate in Chrome so using a different browser is not an option. The previous 3.11 update allowed us to play a YouTube instrumental video while another tab was open. We had to go to the notification center and tap play when we went to the new tab. Please bring this back!! Thank you!

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  3. Allow saving of the open tabs as your chromium start up screen. Every time there is an update I have to reload all of my chromium tabs and passwords for those websites. Please make it like the chrome desktop setting where there is an option to "open specific pages (tabs) on startup". Thanks!

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    Hello! It looks like others using Chromium and Google Chrome on Android are experiencing the same frustration. Google is currently working on this but no release date yet. I expect to see this in a future version of Chrome/Chromium.

  4. The Chromium browser doesn't have a full screen function to make the webpage completely full screen on Smartboard display (hide the side bar and the top bar for url address and tabs). In educational setting, it is very inconvenient because students like to touch different tabs to get out of the instruction page where they are instructed to complete tasks.

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  5. Is there a way with the MX275 to change and have the URL bar on the bottom of the screen in a users profile and does this change it for everyone who uses that board? Our boards were all installed at a certain height and one of my staff member is on the shorter side. It would help to be able to have the URL bar on the bottom of the panel screen.

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  6. Please consider having an educator testing group who can test upcoming updates before they are released to see what a future update may break that is currently working. I would like to be a part of this group.

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  7. Please allow users to select the default version for all pages as a desktop site and not a mobile site for the Chromium browser

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  8. Please match the external keyboard layout including special characters to the language set in the settings. When you connect an external keyboard. As currently the option to choose input. Is only available on the GX Displays.

    And it wont let you type any special characters on the IQ-mode.

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  9. Can there be an email list for digital learning coaches or technicians giving us a heads up when there is a major update? This week we had to cancel some classes because the browser was put into mobile mode and teachers did not know how to fix this and neither did our technicians.

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  10. Please allow users to select the default version for all pages as a desktop site and not a mobile site for the Chromium browser

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  11. When using Google Meet with a camera and the browser on the SMART Display, the google meet works great but we get the following error when trying to share a screen through the google meet: "Can't share your screen. You must grant permissions in order to screenshare." It would be great to be able to share the screen through the chrome browser that is on the board.

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  12. Google Account Bookmarks are not available when logged in with Google Account. Would be very helpful as a teacher.

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  13. A way to run a script via usb or other to automate certain tasks to make panels uniform. In my case i would like to set all homepages on all the boards in the building to something in particular, instead of having to open browser and go into settings.

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  14. Hey SMART,

    We would like to still have an option to add webb links in the App section of the Display. Which was a function you had on IQ 3.7.

    Where you clicked the + sign to add Apps. And then typed in the search bar. It showed web results. And if you clicked on one it created a shortcut to the website. In the "Apps" section.

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  15. Place a full web browser on the system (such as Chrome or Firefox) so that Teachers can use Canvas and other interactive websites without errors or compatibility issues right from the board. This would make the learning experiance in our classrooms seamless and take less time from the teachers. instead of forcing them to setup a laptop/desktop to do simple web based things.

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  16. Please add the input method "Cangjie" or "Hand writing" for Chinese input. Sometime we need to search some picture or topic in Chinese at Browser. But now it is just only "Pinyin" input method for Chinese. The "Pinyin" is difficult for Hong Kong Users. Thanks !

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  17. On a fully updated MX series panel, signing into the SMART panel using the face icon limits the user's ability to sign in to Microsoft Office 365 in the browser. The login screen will not appear, leaving a white screen.

    We tried this with two different users signing into the panel. Both received the same results.
    When no one is signed into the panel, this behavior does not appear.

    How to replicate:
    1. Use the face icon to sign into the panel using our Microsoft credentials.
    2. Open browser and go to
    3. Click Sign In.
    4. User receives…

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  18. Is there a way to set a home screen that the web browser will go to when you touch the browser icon, instead of taking you to the previously loaded webpage (which is most likely smart amp)

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  19. When I used the browser in the IQ system, and used Response 2 in SLSO, it crashed 4 times in a row....then I went back to the computer. Perhaps there is a bug?

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    Joe Coplen responded

    Does this still happen with the browser iQ 3.0? We have updated to Chromium v65. Please reply to your bug report in UserVoice if you still see this so we can connect with you.

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