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SMART iQ Embedded Experience

SMART iQ Embedded Experience

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SMART iQ Embedded Experience



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  1. The whiteboard toolset for 7075 v.2 and above needs a significant update, a line drawing tool is absolutely necessary, our University Accounting and Economics courses need a feature like this when using your product.

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    Work has begun on developing this feature. It is scheduled to be included in our summer iQ4 release.

    To manage expectations, this first Lines/Arrows release will not include connectors on shapes, but that is forthcoming. We just need more time to build that functionality.

  2. I really need some basic drawing tools in the native IQ Whiteboard without having to connect to a PC to use Smart Notebook. The simplest of drawing tools like arrows, lines and basic shapes would be ideal. Today I wanted to split my MX screen to show 2 ways to complete a maths problem. I’d love to be able to choose draw - line - and using the pen, draw a simple straight line. I don’t want to have to keep a PC beside the board to mirror to it as I use my PC less and less these days.…

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    The iQ4 update released today (December 11, 2024) includes a shape tool and text creator tool. We will be adding lines/arrows in the new year. We will also be updating shapes and text to include more formatting options.

    If your school is not yet using iQ4, talk to your IT Admin on what possibilities are available to upgrade.

  3. On the new AM60s, I would like to be able to save Timer settings. For example, setting a default time as well as a default sound. I find that it resets every time I close it.

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  4. On iQ3, the whiteboard supported instant sharing using, but on iQ4, you have to create a Lumio lesson to access the feature. Please consider adding an option to have instantaneous sharing upon opening the whiteboard.

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    Thank you for your patience, Takeshi. Our next iQ4 release includes Whiteboard/Lumio integration so that you have an experience more consistent with what you had on iQ3. The release after that will also include quick-launch widgets for the home screen, so you can launch a shout-it-out or whole-class whiteboard without first having to open the Whiteboard.

  5. The customer explained that they would like to have the option to disable iQ 4 and or have the option in settings to change which input the display boots to on startup. Does not want to allow teachers to have that much access. Submitted on behalf of the customer, case 768082.

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  6. In the current IQ running on the AM60s in my district, all whiteboard files are saved locally to the board. Currently, in order to share whiteboard files to lumio, they have to be shared to Google Drive on the board, opened in Drive, then opened in lumio. It would be a much more streamlined process if, like on the previous IQ, teachers had the option to automatically save whiteboard files and PDFs directly to Lumio and save to the clout.

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  7. In the Whiteboard app, we've been able to insert a video(s) on a page to have ready for instruction and it would open full screen. Just recently, we lost the ability to delete the video. PLEASE reinstate this ability to resize and delete if needed. Having teaching resources at your fingertips is priceless. Thanks

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    Sorry about this! We're currently working on a solution for the next iQ release.

    In the meantime, this is how some users are deleting videos:

    1. Hold and drag video (even just an inch or something) so the light blue annotation selection rectangle shows up

    2. Put a second finger on the video (might need to make a motion so the whiteboard acknowledges the second finger, such as the increase/decrease video size motion)

    3. Remove the original finger and pan on some empty space on the whiteboard. You will see the radar view's gridlines move to let you know you were successful.

    The above guarantees you can always select the video, and doesn't launch the video

  8. I would love to have a sticky note widget that could be used for standards and objectives.

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  9. It would be very efficient for users, especially teachers, to be able to login to their google account on the board, like one does through an android device, to sync their bookmarks, logins, and apps, so that they can use google classroom, sheets, docs, etc easily.

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  10. Please, change the native Android resolution to the native resolution of the display (4K UHD).
    In the business segment, it is a big letdown to have only an FHD user interface on a 4K display.

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  11. We need a new IQ Design for enterprise. Customiezd with employes and hosts. Not students and teachers. Change the IQ Log in Icon from student to a neutral icon. its based on education.

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  12. It would help great if you could add both an "Undo" and "Clean board" button.
    Sometimes we need to clean the whole board, and it's simpler to clean the board instead of making a new blank page and deleting the old one.

    Undo button is much needed, its not always possible to erase the last couple of drawn lines of they intersect other objects and I only want to erase the last couple of movements.

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    started  ·  Joe Coplen responded

    Undo and clean are both often requested features. This is coming in an upcoming iQ release.

  13. Teachers in our district would currently like to share SMART Notebook presentations from their laptop to other Teachers boards in the school building. As of right now getting the code for their board is somewhat cumbersome. The teachers are logged into the board with their school email, but have to log out of the board to see the code. The code is found by clicking on the icon on the right that looks like a cell phone/tablet. That icon disappears when they log into the board with their email. This typically wouldn't be a problem, but the board code changes/times…

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    started  ·  Joe Coplen responded

    Thanks for the feedback. I understand the frustrations with pairing a board using the board code. We’re currently working on a solution that will greatly simplify this by getting rid of the board code in an upcoming release.

    The plan is to SMART Notebook files that are uploaded to to also be accessible from within the board’s Files Library when the teacher logs in to the board with the same account.

  14. I would love to be able to save and share my Whiteboard creations directly to/from my Google Drive from within the Whiteboard app. Having to use the QR code to screenshot it is added steps that seems cumbersome.

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    started  ·  Joe Coplen responded

    Work on this is underway. We’re anticipating that whiteboards, PDFs, and Office documents can be saved and opened from Google Drive.

    In the meantime, you can use the Google Drive web app located on the iQ .35 Apps Store to access your files.

  15. Implementing Miracast UIBC would let the touch/pens work over the same Miracast connection Screen Share uses allowing for a truly wireless connection

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  16. Is there a way to set a home screen that the web browser will go to when you touch the browser icon, instead of taking you to the previously loaded webpage (which is most likely smart amp)

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