All inserted videos to be deleted as needed in Whiteboard App
In the Whiteboard app, we've been able to insert a video(s) on a page to have ready for instruction and it would open full screen. Just recently, we lost the ability to delete the video. PLEASE reinstate this ability to resize and delete if needed. Having teaching resources at your fingertips is priceless. Thanks

Sorry about this! We're currently working on a solution for the next iQ release.
In the meantime, this is how some users are deleting videos:
1. Hold and drag video (even just an inch or something) so the light blue annotation selection rectangle shows up
2. Put a second finger on the video (might need to make a motion so the whiteboard acknowledges the second finger, such as the increase/decrease video size motion)
3. Remove the original finger and pan on some empty space on the whiteboard. You will see the radar view's gridlines move to let you know you were successful.
The above guarantees you can always select the video, and doesn't launch the video