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SMART Notebook

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SMART Notebook



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  1. When exporting a Notebook file to PDF in Notebook 23, it only gives option to name the file... no options anymore. PLEASE bring back the intermediate options window which allowed editing which pages to convert, titles, date, page orientation, etc.

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    In Notebook 22 and earlier, the "Export PDF" actually opened a Printer window. Because of that, we moved the print functionality to the Print menu option. Export turned into a pure "turn this file into a PDF" without the ability to target specific pages. We've received a LOT of feedback about losing that feature, but I suspect users don't know that they can still do it under Print. I want to make sure that the functionality under Print meets teachers' needs. Would anyone be willing to try the Print option in Notebook 23 and confirm whether it performs how you want?

  2. The latest update no longer allows me to drag the cursor over a number of objects on a page and select them as a group to edit / move etc.

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  3. The new equation editor program is terrible! You can't input spaces anymore. The font is weird and makes everything too close and exponents look misplaced. The upper-level operators are missing like limit notation and some integral operators. I can not longer use this program without a better equation editor program as a math teacher. The extend page option needs to come back and the screen capture as well. What a terrible update for educators.

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  4. Please enable an equation editor function for Smartlab activities. Currently not able to use any and this is prohibitive as Maths teachers cannot enter any maths functions. Originally Smart Response did have an equation editor and this was fantastic - but the new SR doesn't permit this which is a huge step backwards. Not practical to type up a function / equation / expression in something like word then snip it and save it and then import this as an image - that is far too clunky and time-consuming. Also the great activities in SmartLab do not have the ability…

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  5. I miss the old flash number generator. The only way to do a number generator now is clunky and limited only to 99.

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  6. In Smart Notebook 23, the "Align" section is missing from the View menu. In version 22 this was still present. Why has it disappeared? Can I have it back?

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  7. 34 votes

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  8. Please make the default pen thickness something we can set to stay. I like the thinest possible and I am sure others prefer it thicker. BUT if we could set it to stay the thickness we want that would be awesome. It is a pain to have to reset it everytime I change color or pick the pen back up.

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  9. Fyi. . . If you, like many, are desperately missing your favorite Notebook features that were for some reason taken away in NB 23, you can go to "View" and then "Open in Notebook 22" and your favorite things that were so useful for lesson planning/creation, teaching, and learning will be there again! Hello screen capture, SMART Recorder, Concept Mapping, and more! Maybe if everyone does this, they'll get the hint : )

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    9 comments  ·  Notebook 23  ·  Admin →
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  10. It would be great to be able to use the timer, buzzer, dice, spinning wheel, and hat pick independent of a SMART lab activity. For example, teachers may want to use the hat pick to randomly select a student for a different in-class activity unrelated to SMART lab. Perhaps these tools could be placed in the Gallery for easy access. These options would help alleviate the dependence some teachers have on Flash animations such as Random word chooser.

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    under review  ·  Joe Coplen responded

    Thanks for the suggestion. This is something that we’re looking into right now.

  11. The export as PDF fails when using Notebook 23.0. Instead, the Notebook must be opened to 22.0 then exported. It would be nice to not have this extra step.

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  12. We are teaching from home because of coronavirus. I really need my Smartboard software. I used my Smartboard ALL the time at school. I have a free version on my laptop at home but I cannot share my screen online with kids because of the dang watermark. PLEASE remove it. This is a tool I already know and love. I cannot keep learning new tools.

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  13. More options with the dice interactive. To be able to choose how many sides the dice has.

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  14. Here are some favorite flash animation items used by our teachers. It would be great to have replacement options in place for these: Random group picker (image/text) and Random word chooser.

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  15. Can we have a date that updates it self on the board? Just like the interactive timers/clocks but an interactive date.

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  16. You can no longer add text to Shapes in version 23. Also when you have links to a place in the document they no longer work on individual objects when they are grouped. These were all features that worked in previous builds.

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  17. Change default pen width for Notebook 21, Smartboard 6000S

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  18. 22 votes

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    Hi Lori (and others who want to chime in )

    I'm trying to get a better sense of how you're using Transparent Background in the manner you describe here. Is the same thing achievable with the transparent acetate feature in SMART Ink? If you're outside of Notebook and your computer is connected to your panel, touching the pen to the screen should automatically start the acetate process. Can you expand on how you're using it to help us implement a solution that works for you?

  19. Losing the masking capabilities of Smart Notebook was an awful decision! It is one of the few reasons I still use Smart and have not switched over to Google Slides like many of my colleagues have. Luckily I can still run the old version and have that ability, but just might have to consider finally being done with my Smart Notebook.

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  20. For years, I have been able to click "Extend Page" when I run out of room at the bottom of my document. Why can't I do the same when I run out of room on the right side of my document?

    When I am doing a math problem, sometimes I get near the end of the screen and have to start writing uphill or downhill. A simple solution would be to have the ability to extend to the right just like I can at the bottom of the screen.

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