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SMART Notebook

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SMART Notebook



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  1. 22 votes

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    Hi Lori (and others who want to chime in )

    I'm trying to get a better sense of how you're using Transparent Background in the manner you describe here. Is the same thing achievable with the transparent acetate feature in SMART Ink? If you're outside of Notebook and your computer is connected to your panel, touching the pen to the screen should automatically start the acetate process. Can you expand on how you're using it to help us implement a solution that works for you?

  2. Losing the masking capabilities of Smart Notebook was an awful decision! It is one of the few reasons I still use Smart and have not switched over to Google Slides like many of my colleagues have. Luckily I can still run the old version and have that ability, but just might have to consider finally being done with my Smart Notebook.

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  3. When dragging a line out, please can pressing shift snap the line to be horizontal or vertical. It used to snap to horizontal or vertical when you were close automatically (which was sometimes a pain) but it would be handy to be able to control that like you can in Word for example.

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  4. Allow us to determine "page size" in default page preferences. I prefer 4x3, and find changing each page from its default as a time waste.

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  5. The regular polygon tool no longer draws regular polygons. The angles are all wrong. Perhaps the tool has not been updated to cope with the 16:9 screen resolution.

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  6. Stability of 23.2 is poor. I have numerous crashes, losing critical edits. Also on start up the page index is blank and only appears by selecting attachments and going back to page index.

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  7. In previous versions if you remove something from a page the page automatically resized to fit the writing on the page. Now because I extended a page to accommedate the work I was writing on the board it stays extended when I decided to save it as a pdf and the printing is very small, to the point of being unreadable. Bring the page resizing feature back along with the preview before you save to a pdf of what the page is going to look like.

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  8. The new 2023 version does not allow multiple slides to be "clear ink from page" at one time. On version 2022 you could Ctrl + click on multiple slides followed by using the top page to clear ink from all the pages simultaneously.

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  9. When I right click Smartboard from the Windows task bar, it no longer shows recent files or allows me to pin frequently used files. It worked fine until the update so not sure if it's a SMART Notebook issue or a Windows needing to catch up issue. Other programs still allow this such as Word or Excel.

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  10. Tab doesn't work when typing in text.

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  11. Can somebody please create a NORMAL equation editor. The current editor is terrible. Ever since the old (version 13) mathtype equation editor is out of notebook software, I am not a happy teacher.

    And I did have a workaround *until version 22.

    I could install version 13 first and then 20-21-22 .. and the equation editor from version 13 would still be available. Now in version 23 it is not working anymore. So now I am going back to 22.

    Also 22 is better because:

    • The new selection of objects is wobbly
    • I cannot copy a line segment anymore by…
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  12. Better because you brought back the "Extend Page" feature. I do not like what has been done to the View Screens tab. 100% is way too big and when you reduce the size it just cuts the whole thing down to a tiny box....I keep trying to use the new version but I find things that I don't like as I use it. I will always go back to 22 version as long as it is available.
    Please just stop trying to improve on the 22 version. It was already great.

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  13. Its not in 23.2 bring it back, without it Notebook is useless for school

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  14. When taking photos with the camera feature please put the dropdown menu back under the choices(full screen, partial, etc...) where we can check a box to "save to current SMART notebook page" or "save to new SMART notebook page" so we don't have to click that choice EVERY time we take a picture. I just want to make a choice once and then take tons of pictures at a time and have them all so the same thing. Previous versions had this option.

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  15. 3 votes

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  16. The tables are now useless. I can't type directly into the boxes anymore and trying to shrink the font is frustrating. I shouldn't have to redo work I've been using since September. Also, in the gallery, the music notes, which I have been using for many, many years can no longer be shrunk. When I try to resize them to make them workable they go blurry. I am going back to version 22 thanks to a post in here, but I think it's ridiculous that I have to do that with every file.

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  17. Insert a sound on an object in Notebook 23.2 and Notebook 23.1 does not work. The icon int he corner appears, but the sound does not play.

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  18. In this latest version, I am using an EPSON projector and pen. In the last two weeks I am constantly having pens just freeze on one tool. For example, I am picking a black pen, getting a red pen. I then select the eraser, but it is still a red pen. Cannot select any other tool except red pen.
    Closing the program and restarting sometimes temporarily solves this problem, but it returns constantly. I love this product when it works. I am constantly let down. ALSO trying to attach the ZIP file that your program created as a diagnostic, this…

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  19. When using the activity, Match Em Up, the software does not support long equations like 8(3x -7) = 6(4x +6) without jumbling up the equation. Also, posting pictures does not help because it is too small to see. This activity works with very few characters like 2x = 8.

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  20. Editable formulas manipulation with images. It resize to a square format, and cannot showing thems a straight line

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