please bring back the random number generator
I miss the old flash number generator. The only way to do a number generator now is clunky and limited only to 99.

Anonymous commented
It is so frustrating to open lessons I've done for years and find that this feature is no longer working. Upgrades should be better, not worse :/
Anonymous commented
Agree! Please bring back
Anonymous commented
I agree. The random number generator was a staple in many of the math files I created and there must be a way to recreate it using the new technology for interactive widgets. I'd also like to see 10 sided interactive dice which can be used in a multitude of place value activities.
Harvey Almarode commented
I have created lots of interactive math lessons since the mid 90's and quite a few utilized the flash random number generator. Please develop a random number generator with the capabilities of the old flash one. Thanks
Anonymous commented
I agree! Please bring it back!!