20 results found
PLEASE bring option to select pages of a Notebook to export to pdf back!!!!!! When exporting a Notebook file to PDF in Notebook 23, it only gives option to name the file... no options anymore. PLEASE bring back the intermediate options window which allowed editing which pages to convert, titles, date, page orientation, etc.
81 votesIn Notebook 22 and earlier, the "Export PDF" actually opened a Printer window. Because of that, we moved the print functionality to the Print menu option. Export turned into a pure "turn this file into a PDF" without the ability to target specific pages. We've received a LOT of feedback about losing that feature, but I suspect users don't know that they can still do it under Print. I want to make sure that the functionality under Print meets teachers' needs. Would anyone be willing to try the Print option in Notebook 23 and confirm whether it performs how you want?
21 votes
Hi Lori (and others who want to chime in )
I'm trying to get a better sense of how you're using Transparent Background in the manner you describe here. Is the same thing achievable with the transparent acetate feature in SMART Ink? If you're outside of Notebook and your computer is connected to your panel, touching the pen to the screen should automatically start the acetate process. Can you expand on how you're using it to help us implement a solution that works for you?
Größenänderung von Objekten Durch Ziehen am Anfasser kann man die Größe eines Objektes ändern. Für Formen ist das in Version 22 nur proportional möglich, in Version 24 nur frei. Jeweils unabhängig vom Drücken der Shift-Taste! Grafiken lassen sich nur proportional skalieren.
Es wäre sinnvoll, das Verhalten zu vereinheitlichen:
Konsequenterweise sollte in jeder Version und für alle relevanten Objekte (Form oder Grafik) das Verhalten gleich sein: ohne Shift freie Größenänderung, mit Shift proportional.2 votesVielen Dank für Ihren Vorschlag! Wir werden dies für eine zukünftige Version berücksichtigen.
Allow us to determine "page size" in default page preferences. Allow us to determine "page size" in default page preferences. I prefer 4x3, and find changing each page from its default as a time waste.
12 votesThank you for the suggestion. We'll look into it!
General stability Stability of 23.2 is poor. I have numerous crashes, losing critical edits. Also on start up the page index is blank and only appears by selecting attachments and going back to page index.
10 votesThank you for your feedback. We will investigate.
Improve the SMART Cleanup Utility and Installation Process to Handle Leftover Registry Entries The current SMART Cleanup Utility does a decent job, but it doesn’t seem to catch all leftover files or registry entries from previous installations. This can create issues during uninstallation and reinstallation, causing registry conflicts that prevent new installs from working properly. Users sometimes have to resort to third-party tools with elevated privileges in Safe Mode to manually delete problematic registry entries, which is not an ideal solution.
It would be beneficial to improve the SMART Cleanup Utility or update the installation process to better handle these leftover files and registry entries to avoid similar issues in the future.
1 vote -
Exporting pdf Issues ONGOING Exporting pdf's still has issues with highlighting covering up text and also no options as per the old version 22!
1 voteMy apologies, Timothy. On further investigation, we were able to replicate this error. It only happen when the highlighter is added in a 23.x version of Notebook and then opened in 24.0. We will fix this error as quickly as possible. In the interim, if you delete an then reapply the highlighter, your PDFs will print normally from 24.0.
Our sincere apologies for the inconvenience.
Crop (aka "mask") an Image YOU TOOK AWAY MASKING AN IMAGE?!?! You only just recently introduced this option after never having a way to crop images. Taking it away is a huge step back.
19 votes -
Tab doesn't work when typing in text. Tab doesn't work when typing in text.
7 votesThank you for this callout. We will begin our investigations.
Mask feature is missing in SN 23. I went to Mask part of an image. It wasn't an option anymore. What? Who takes away features?? This is not an update. SN 23 crashes way too often. It also has trouble saving certain drawings. I drew a triangle in a previous version and the hypotenuse was flipped right/left. When I reopened the file, the hypotenuse was going the wrong way again.
16 votes -
Locked ink not erasable. Whenever I lock anything written with the pens, it should not be possible to still erase. This defeats the purpose of locking it at all.
4 votesHi Michael, I am unable to recreate this issue. Can you give me additional details? Are you viewing on a computer or on a panel? Are you using the eraser tool or a your palm? Can you confirm which version of Notebook you're using? Those types of specifics.
Drag and drop images into activities It seems that dragging and dropping an image into an activity (for example, cards) is not possible anymore on the latest update... Now we have to click to open a new window and search for the image we want to add, click to close the window and so on... It takes a lot longer that simply dragging and dropping the image the way it used to be! Could we please go back on the way it was?
2 votesThank you for pointing this out. We will look into fixing it.
Update language translations Swedish translation is partially out-of-date and partially incorrectly translated. For example "upphetsad" from "excited". As this word means that the person is (sexually) excited, not (joyful/angry) excited, it's quite inappropriate.
Depending on if it's joyful-excited or angry-excited, it'd be: (joy) "exalterad" or (anger) "upprörd". It's brought some giggles around the office.
1 voteOh, my! I can see how that could cause more than a little distraction in the classroom. I'll pass this along to our translation team! Thank you for letting us know.
change default pen I've seen quite a few people on here say they would like to have the ability to select their own defaults when the application launches, even without having to connect a SMARTBoard product to their computers. I would have to agree with everyone of these users on here. Please provide the ability for us to save our preferences/ defaults when launching the SmartNotebook program.
1 voteThank you for your feedback. It's a good idea. We'll try and add this to a future release.
Wacom Pen not longer compatible! My wacom pen will only work as a mouse clicker. I can no longer use it with the drawing feature unless I download using NB 22.
4 votes -
Bug: when using the pen function the program automatically selects everything. Very difficult to work with. Bug: when using the pen function the program automatically selects everything. Very difficult to work with.
1 voteFor bug issues, you will receive more prompt attention by submitting a Support case to our customer support service at: https://www.smarttech.com/connect-with-smart/contact-support
When exporting Response 2, I can't view the resulting file. I exported the results from a Response 2 Quiz, and I can't open it. There's no way to choose the file type (i.e. .xls or .pdf).
2 votesThank you for letting us know. We are investigating the issue.
SMART lab It would be great to be able to use the timer, buzzer, dice, spinning wheel, and hat pick independent of a SMART lab activity. For example, teachers may want to use the hat pick to randomly select a student for a different in-class activity unrelated to SMART lab. Perhaps these tools could be placed in the Gallery for easy access. These options would help alleviate the dependence some teachers have on Flash animations such as Random word chooser.
31 votesThanks for the suggestion. This is something that we’re looking into right now.
Closed captioning in YouTube add-on Add the ability to include closed captioning in YouTube videos that are embedded using the YouTube add-on
1 voteThanks for the feedback. We’ll look into this when we make further updates to the YouTube player.
Graphing Component Not on Mac version It would be great if the graphing component would be available for the Mac version. I just attended a training and the trainer showed a wonderful tool in Smart Notebook related to graphs, but it appears to only be available to PCs. I'm a math teacher and my students and I could greatly benefit from this feature.
1 voteThanks for your feedback. We’re looking into math components that are available on both Mac and Windows.
In the meantime, have you looked at GeoGebra? Here is a quick intro video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZ2TrKcZTp4
- Don't see your idea?