2123 results found
To be able to download or print pupil responses when they have used individual handouts. To be able to individually download and print pupil responses including any information they put on individual handout sheets.
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Template Bank for Users Ability to create a bank of frequently used pages for insertions (as a teacher when I plan lessons I have a format I use daily with the same page layout...would be nice to be able to click selected pages from a bank to insert.
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Dual Lessons Open simultaneously on same device Ability to have two LUMIOs open/or the same LUMIO on two different tabs...with the ability to scroll to different pages on each....
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flip an image Being able to "flip" an image in creation - from left to right or top to bottom
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Refresh the task/lesson button. It would be cool if there was a "refresh the task" button/option to choose. Sometimes I would love to redo the lesson with another bunch of people.
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I want to have a video audio play simultaneously while looking at a different slide. I don't want to have a slide presentation open as well as a lumio presentation open. I'm trying to play classical music from YouTube but I want the students to have our content display on the board.
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Is it possible to generate printing sentences using different fonts, size, etc on a pdf to allow students to practice tracing letters? For example, the word and meaning of log in social studies. I want to write the word and its definition out....to help students who have special needs to learn to print as they learn the word and definition.
Log (primary source): a record of experiences made by an explorer.
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Allow for transparent image search through Bing integration Please allow for searching for transparent images through the integrated Bing search. All images come in with a box around them through this integration, meaning the teacher has to first download the transparent image then upload it. It would be much faster to have this through the integration.
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Teams Can we display the actual content of each team’s work at once or at least try to show 2 on the screen at the same time ? Also can their screens change to display the team that the teacher is displaying ?
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Adding a website as a "slide" - providing a URL link for a website for the students access during a lesson. Adding a website as a "slide" - providing a URL link for a website for the students access during a lesson.
This is a basic feature in Nearpod and it is great when I want all my student to access a website during a lesson quickly and I don't want them to go to another app to access it (example having to post the link in Canvas).2 votes -
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Duplicate slides into another presentations in lumio Duplicate slides into another presentation in lumio
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Please add another graphic for the Game Based Matching activity on Lumio - the animals are the ONLY choice & a custom would be great. The Game Based Activity in LUMIO uses the Jungle Animals as the Graphics for the matching game. It would be great to have either a custom or some other options available
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Cursive font Sería realmente útil para muchos profesores que trabajamos la lectoescritura en edades tempranas si Lumio incluyera algunas fuentes en cursiva tipo Massallera.
It would be really useful for many teachers working on early literacy if Lumio would include some cursive fonts as Massallera.
2 votesunder review · AdminSMART Technologies Product Management (Product Manager, SMART Technologies) respondedThanks for the feedback. We will consider this as a new font for Lumio.
I want to set alarms or reminders on the smartboard I want to set reminders to alert me 5 mins before an activity. This would be a fun alert for the entire class to help prepare for transitions. Recess lunch special activities wtc
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Add a floating annotation toolbar in Lumio that can be accessed from Google Slides and PPT even if they aren't imported into Lumio. Floating Annotation Toolbar
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'Fill' or paint can function It would be really useful to be able to fill in a shape/object with a colour with one click. Or, alternatively click on the background and be able to autofill with light yellow as this is very helpful for children with dyslexia (reading blue text on a yellow/blue background)
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Shout Out Component Updating the Shout out feature. I think it would be great if students can see student response on their screen without having to look at the teachers screen. I also feel like the question should appear on the students screen as well. Allowing students to record the voice for a SHOUT out activity seems like an obvious mechanic to have implemented for this. These are just some ideas for this activity that I feel will improve it.
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Please add the ability to connect multiple pages as one activity. If we could upload a multiple page PDF (for example a two page article and graphic organizer) for students to complete. They would be able to both annotate the article and then refer back to it while completing the graphic organizer.
2 votes
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