18 results found
New in a Library to be hidden When in an Org Library, we want to be able to add the New in a Library section so that it starts with the Folders. In a big organization, those new files are not that important to most but what is in the folders for their content will be.
8 votes -
Expand the Shared Library. Adding more than one folder in the Shared Library...why just one?
1 vote -
Recently Deleted Files Have a space for recently deleted files to be held or recovered. If I delete a file accidentally, having a space that holds these files for 7-30 days. Allowing easier recovery.
3 votesunder review ·AdminSMART Technologies Product Management (Product Manager, SMART Technologies) responded
Thanks for the feedback. We will review this suggestion as a potential feature.
Option to create school level libraries or sub-organizational libraries Option to create school level libraries or sub-organizational libraries and use Google groups for permissions to view and manage the library. We would like our teachers to see a District Library as well as a School Library that is only for their staff. I would like to be able to assign an admin at that school to manage permissions. Using Google Groups, the staff for the school would sync with Google.
2 votes -
undelete How about an option to undelete?
4 votes -
Shared Library needs to be able to select from folders in My Library. I don't see my folders when importing a lesson into a Shared Library. Choosing a folder would make it easier for selecting lessons that have already been organized in Lumio Library folders.
1 vote -
Import from Google Drive when editing in a Shared Library Currently, you can only import from Lumio Library or upload PDF/PPT when editing a file in the shared libraries. I would like to be able to import from Google Drive just like I can in My Library
1 vote -
Template Bank for Users Ability to create a bank of frequently used pages for insertions (as a teacher when I plan lessons I have a format I use daily with the same page layout...would be nice to be able to click selected pages from a bank to insert.
3 votes -
Share entire folders I appreciate the folders in Lumio very much, it's so nice to be able to organize all files. I would LOVE it if it would be possible to share an entire folder with co-workers, instead of just single activities. Could this be developed any time soon? Thank you!
27 votes -
Favoriting staying with account not board. We have multiple teachers who move from classroom to classroom. When they sign into their account on a new device their favorites are not saved. I would like for your favorites to travel with the account versus staying with the board.
2 votes -
Improve Filter in Lumio Library results Improving the ability to filter results based on when items were added to the library would help take out the outdated content from my results. It would also be nice to be able to filter out stuff created and added from SMART technologies.
4 votes -
Add to Lumio Library Option when editing/creating/publishing an activity Add to Lumio Library Option when editing/creating/publishing an activity - This way individuals can give the option to have their creations listed within the Lumio Library to be searched.
3 votes -
have a level in between free and the unlimited storage I would like a leveled storage option.
1 vote -
1 vote
Increase upload file size into Lumio Improve the ability to upload larger Notebook files into Lumio. We have had consistent and inconsistent issues uploading files larger than 15mb into Lumio. We have teachers with large Notebook files that they have spent a long time creating. As a district we are attempting to encourage teachers to use Lumio with their students. This has become a stumbling block and deterrent. We have schools with iQ panels and schools with old SMARTBoards. We are a 1:1 district and wish to capitalize the impact of using Lumio with our students.
5 votes -
Improve Lumio by being able to save your work as a google doc/slide, word doc/powerpoint. I'd love if Lumio would add a feature where we could save our work as a google doc. Google classroom has a feature for them to use Lumio for their work, but after finishing the assignment, there is no feature to allow them to turn it in as a google doc nor anything else.
5 votes -
Insertion de fichiers Salut,
Serait-il possible d'être capable d'ajouter plus qu'un fichier à la fois de notre drive ou notre bureau dans Lumio? En ce moment, je dois cliquer un fichier à la fois pour être téléchargé dans Lumio. Ça prend du temps et je crois que ça serait plus facile si on pouvait le faire de cette façon. Merci!
4 votes -
Long URLs when one enters from Lumio via Google Drive This is an asynchronous lesson I sent to a teacher as a demo of Lumio features...
Is there any way to generate short url's for these? As well, a qr code generator button would be nice for K-6.
2 votes
- Don't see your idea?