799 results found
Can you please recreate Vortex Sort? Please can you bring back Vortex sort in the tool kit. It was a great resource.
1 vote -
The new 2023 version does not allow multiple slides to be "clear ink from page" at one time The new 2023 version does not allow multiple slides to be "clear ink from page" at one time. On version 2022 you could Ctrl + click on multiple slides followed by using the top page to clear ink from all the pages simultaneously.
8 votes -
Druck, PDF Export aus 4k Presenter Aus 4k Presenter ist kein PDF Export möglich. Bitte ermöglichen.
Die Druckfunktion in 4k Presenter druckt nur ein weißes Blatt.1 vote -
Auf Smart-Display erstelltes Tafelbild wird in SMART Notebook nicht vollständig angezeigt. Ich solle die Datei in 4K Presenter öffnen? Auf Smart-Display erstelltes Tafelbild wird in SMART Notebook nicht vollständig angezeigt. Ich solle die Datei in 4K Presenter öffnen?
Es kann doch kein Problem sein, die Datei entsprechend zu skalieren? Bitte diese Funktion in Notebook einbauen.
Alternativ: warum startet 4k Presenter nicht automatisch?1 voteThomas, können Sie bitte klarstellen, welche Version von SMART Notebook Sie verwenden? 4K Presenter ist eine Funktion von Notebook 22.1 und früher. Bei Notebook 23.0 ist 4K Presenter die Standardeinstellung. Das Seitenverhältnis entspricht dem des iQ Whiteboards. Bilder sollten keine Änderungen erfordern, um korrekt angezeigt zu werden. Wenn Sie eine Notebook-Version verwenden, die 22.1 oder älter ist, empfehlen wir Ihnen, auf unsere neueste Version, SMART Notebook 24.0, zu aktualisieren. Sie sollte Ihnen das gewünschte Erlebnis bieten.
Recent Files missing from Windows Taskbar menu When I right click Smartboard from the Windows task bar, it no longer shows recent files or allows me to pin frequently used files. It worked fine until the update so not sure if it's a SMART Notebook issue or a Windows needing to catch up issue. Other programs still allow this such as Word or Excel.
3 votes -
Lock top layer object, but move bottom layer objects I would like to be able to layer objects, lock the top layer, but still be able to move the middle/bottom layer objects freely. I can do this in ActivInspire. I use it for "hiding" math problems under a picture, such as a bag. The bag itself is on the top layer and locked, but the math problems underneath are free moving and can be grabbed with the mouse because the top layer is locked and no longer acknowledged by the mouse. This allows me to pull random problems out of the "bag" without students seeing them prior to being…
1 vote -
Keyboard shortcut for changing pages e.g. right arrow for next page Add keyboard shortcuts for navigating forwards / back, as per Keynote / PowerPoint (e.g. using arrow keys)
2 votes -
Crop (aka "mask") an Image YOU TOOK AWAY MASKING AN IMAGE?!?! You only just recently introduced this option after never having a way to crop images. Taking it away is a huge step back.
19 votes -
Graph feature; taskbar Notebook 23 is missing the "Graph" feature under the Insert button in the ribbon. As a high school math teacher, this was an important feature for me. Also, when resting my cursor on the Notebook icon in the taskbar, I can no longer see the previous files that I had opened. This slows down my teaching in the classroom. The blue shade around objects that are selected or when text is being entered is annoying as well. I've had Notebook 23 for less than 24 hours and dislike it. I am switching back to Notebook 22.
1 vote -
Tab doesn't work when typing in text. Tab doesn't work when typing in text.
7 votesThank you for this callout. We will begin our investigations.
i think that you guys should remove create your own passwords but you can can just ask for their reasons to be able to use it when the power goes off
1 vote -
Fix equation editor + more nonsens Can somebody please create a NORMAL equation editor. The current editor is terrible. Ever since the old (version 13) mathtype equation editor is out of notebook software, I am not a happy teacher.
And I did have a workaround *until version 22.
I could install version 13 first and then 20-21-22 .. and the equation editor from version 13 would still be available. Now in version 23 it is not working anymore. So now I am going back to 22.
Also 22 is better because:
- The new selection of objects is wobbly
- I cannot copy a line segment anymore by…
4 votes -
Go back to the 2022 version. Better because you brought back the "Extend Page" feature. I do not like what has been done to the View Screens tab. 100% is way too big and when you reduce the size it just cuts the whole thing down to a tiny box....I keep trying to use the new version but I find things that I don't like as I use it. I will always go back to 22 version as long as it is available.
Please just stop trying to improve on the 22 version. It was already great.7 votes -
Error PDF Export on Notebook 23.0 The export as PDF fails when using Notebook 23.0. Instead, the Notebook must be opened to 22.0 then exported. It would be nice to not have this extra step.
30 votes -
protractor "Reset page" messes up images
When trying to "reset page" between classes, images just appear as grey boxes.1 voteHi, JoAnn
I am unable to recreate your error. I recommend updating to Notebook 24.0. If the issue continues to persist, please reach out to https://www.smarttech.com/connect-with-smart/contact-support and we will work with you directly to fix the issue.
transparency Its not in 23.2 bring it back, without it Notebook is useless for school
5 votes -
I would like the ability to set default pen sizes There really needs to be a setting that lets us set default pen sizes.
21 votes -
Конструктор занятий Как оформить подписку, чтобы пользоваться конструктором занятий?
1 vote -
Streamline Camera. When taking photos with the camera feature please put the dropdown menu back under the choices(full screen, partial, etc...) where we can check a box to "save to current SMART notebook page" or "save to new SMART notebook page" so we don't have to click that choice EVERY time we take a picture. I just want to make a choice once and then take tons of pictures at a time and have them all so the same thing. Previous versions had this option.
1 vote -
3 votes
- Don't see your idea?