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SMART Notebook

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SMART Notebook



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  1. Complaint.

    When I add a medium grid for graphing, the new update completely washes out the grid. In the past, we could use the Transparency feature of Properties to darken or lighten the grid. Now, not really an option. Way to light. Not useable.

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  2. We need an app to use Smart Notebook with chromebooks or our district is ending our license!!! Help!

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  3. "Please update the way you can change fonts in an entire lesson. Would like a way to automatically change the fonts of an entire slide similar to how it is done in PowerPoint, instead of having to change fonts one by one." Submitted on behalf of a customer, case 00761693

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  4. Please add Transparent Background Mode back into SB24. We have developed our teaching pedagogy and learned to stack windows in a certain order with SMART Notebook software on top to utilize this feature. This feature was helpful and built into our teaching practices.

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  5. For many years I have, at various times, found myself trying to find something in a Notebook file, but am unsure which file it is in. I have to open all the contenders and then try to find it manually. This can take a LOT of time.
    As the Notebook file appears to be a proprietary format ( i.e. windows search doesn't know what to do with it) , could you create a SMART*Find tool which I can enter some text and it will search a given folder (and subfolders) for all Notebook files containing the specified text ?

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  6. I use SmartNotebook all the time, but my school just changed my board to a BenQ. I cannot use the writing feature on the board.

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  7. We currently switched to SMART Notebook Plus, and it is missing many elements that I have relied on in previous versions of SMART. It makes working in Notebook very inefficient. I cannot find how to align text and images in our new version; I miss being able to add text directly into a shape; I am unable to copy and paste a text to match the page's text; and I have lots of issues when trying to lock things--esp. numbers. I am confused why these features would have been taken away. Thanks for any help you can give.

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  8. Publishing as a pdf still misplaces the words and images in different parts of the page

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  9. When you copy and paste an image, you use to be able to grab the item by selecting it from the bottom right corner and resize it anyway you like. With this version, you can only make it bigger or smaller. In 22, you could stretch or shorten the image in any direction. You can do this now with shapes that you create , but you cannot do it with images that you paste from somewhere else. This feature was crucial when trying to fit certain images in specific spaces. Please bring this back, thank you.

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  10. In previous versions, when you used infinite cloner on an object, the object would automatically be locked. This was incredibly useful when creating patterns with students. They could pull the object being cloned and then I could clear the page without losing the object doing the cloning. While infinite cloner is available in N24 as soon as you clear the board, you lose the object you had doing the infinite cloning.

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  11. Include the 'Autosave' option as they used to get with other apps such as Microsoft Word. Submitted on behalf of customer case: 00774265

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  12. If you have made a list but would like to continue it into a second column/ text box on the same visible part of the slide, it is not possible to continue the numbering bullets from the next number in the previous column by the bullet formatting. You have to start from 1 again.
    It would be brilliant to be able to edit the number that the number bullet starts from

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  13. The latest update no longer allows me to drag the cursor over a number of objects on a page and select them as a group to edit / move etc.

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  14. The new equation editor program is terrible! You can't input spaces anymore. The font is weird and makes everything too close and exponents look misplaced. The upper-level operators are missing like limit notation and some integral operators. I can not longer use this program without a better equation editor program as a math teacher. The extend page option needs to come back and the screen capture as well. What a terrible update for educators.

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  15. Durch Ziehen am Anfasser kann man die Größe eines Objektes ändern. Für Formen ist das in Version 22 nur proportional möglich, in Version 24 nur frei. Jeweils unabhängig vom Drücken der Shift-Taste! Grafiken lassen sich nur proportional skalieren.
    Es wäre sinnvoll, das Verhalten zu vereinheitlichen:
    Konsequenterweise sollte in jeder Version und für alle relevanten Objekte (Form oder Grafik) das Verhalten gleich sein: ohne Shift freie Größenänderung, mit Shift proportional.

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  16. I recently got my Smartboard 6000s and I love it so far. What I don't understand is why tool explorer stamps are not working in Notebook Software. Especially in maths it would be great for kids to place and count platelets with the stamps. it would also be great to make them programmable.

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  17. Add a Notes section (like we have in PowerPoint) where teachers can see and use notes that are not visible to pupils.

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  18. Make notebook file and pages be a background and go to the back of content already on the page. Now if you have added images and text and then decide to put square or lined paper or any background page, all content disappears form that page. Before it went to the background. The layering is wrong.

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  19. Please return back the transparent background feature. As a teacher, I use the transparent background on a regular basis.

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  20. Please can you create a text box function? It's 2024 (almost 2025) and Notebook still doesn't have a working textbox function.

    Please make a text box function, where you can align the text in different places inside the box and be able to format colours of both the text and the box.

    Without this feature, it is painfully slow and arduous to make a text box, as you have to make a box, then some text and finally group them together.

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