Fix equation editor + more nonsens
Can somebody please create a NORMAL equation editor. The current editor is terrible. Ever since the old (version 13) mathtype equation editor is out of notebook software, I am not a happy teacher.
And I did have a workaround *until version 22.
I could install version 13 first and then 20-21-22 .. and the equation editor from version 13 would still be available. Now in version 23 it is not working anymore. So now I am going back to 22.
Also 22 is better because:
- The new selection of objects is wobbly
- I cannot copy a line segment anymore by holding down CTRL + left click. I mus now work with infinite duplication
- When writing with a tablet, half of the time text is vanishing on the top of the written line.
DO Version 23 again. The current one is
Outstanding requests... since EVER.
1) When creating a link to a certain page, in the old version 13, when using ARROW keys, the preview of the page would change, Now I need to click with the mouse on a page number to get a preview. Please fix!