2112 results found
Create video Adding a video from your computer would help with teachers making instructional content. It would also be ideal for flipped learning
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A widget for completing & displaying calculations A calculator widget would be great, but even better would be one that could output the completed equation as an image on the whiteboard that I could drag and resize. The closer in functionality the calculator is to the standard high school scientific calculator, the better. It would allow the teacher to reinforce calculator suage skills while showing the completed equation steps in clear, typed text instead of potentially hard to read handwriting.
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spara Vore bra om man kan spara manuellt. Nu sparas ändringar automatiskt och ibland vill man kunna göra samma sak igen, då måste man återställa allt manuellt och det tar mycket tid!
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Import all elements from Google Slides as locked content that can be unlocked and edited, rather than a static image We have a lot of teachers who have created lessons in Google Slides that have interactive components, such as dragging images or text boxes. When uploading to Lumio, they have to remove these interactive pieces as they upload as a static image, then add them back on within Lumio. It creates a lot of extra work and is a barrier for teachers changing to Lumio.
I appreciate that Lumio can't differentiate between what is supposed to be a fixed object and what is supposed to have interactivity, but it would be helpful if all elements on Google Slides (ie. text…
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Allow teachers to have multiple classes where students can be enrolled. Then, allow groups to be assigned before students log in to lumio. I love using the group handout option, but it is a hassle since my students have to log in first, then wait for me to assign groups before they can start the activity. The time that it takes for me to create the groups is enough time to lose students' attention. If I could enroll students in different classes on Lumio, then create groups ahead of class time that would be awesome. Students would be able to log in and get straight to work.
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Shout it out - I would like to be able to click on a posted comment to see which student made each comment I would like to be able to click on a posted comment to see which student made each comment
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Allow image editing options in student handout For modelling certain math concepts, it would be helpful if students had the same ability to work with images as the teacher/creator of lesson.
For example, there is a nice lesson in the Lumio Library that creates ten rods out of 10-ones blocks, these are grouped together, then an infinite cloner is applied.
As the teacher in editing mode, I'm able to drag in the 10 rod, then ungroup so it splits into ones. However, as a student working in the file, I can only drag in the 10 rods, but have no ability to ungroup them into ones.
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Allow students to use Lumio asynchronously as a guest Students can log into Lumio using a name when we are in live classes. I need to do this for asynchronous lessons too. This helps me to comply with FERPA and doesn't require a student to have a Microsoft or Google account. This is the only way that I can use the asynchronously.
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Shortcut keys: to change from text to pen, for locking, ordering images/text I would be great if we had shortcut keys: to change from text to pen, for locking, ordering images/text etc. The shortcut keys that are available in Smart Notebook really contribute to keeping up an even pace of the lessons.
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Be able to ink using a touch screen Chromebook. Be able to use a touch screen Chromebook as an input and use the pen functions. I would like to be able to use the Chromebook like a whiteboard. Could let the teacher write on the board from across the room.
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Graph Can a coordinate graph be added to the premade graphic organizers. Students would benefit in many different grade levels.
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roster import - no emails Let me upload a roster from a file to create student accounts with our own username and passwords so they match school logins and don't need emails. I have 3 classes, and this would speed things up so much, help us not share personal info of kids, and let us make sure they had usernames and passwords they would know.
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Increase the size of the compass and download PDF lessons. The radius of the compass in Smart Notebok should have the option to increase to a larger size. In lumio, there should be an option to download an individual, group or whole class lesson as a PDF.
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Version history If a student does something inappropriate in Lumio and then deletes it – it would be great if we could get a ‘version history’ of sorts that would bring that back.
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Math Tools and Geogebra We really need Math Tools and Geogebra from Notebook to work in Lumio OR just put them in Lumio and I can do all my lessons in Lumio.
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Add all Desmos Calculators Virginia uses a Desmos calculator made specifically to align to our standards. I would love to be able to use that calculator. Also Middle School can only use the scientific version, which is VERY different from the graphing. I would like for my students to be able to use the correct version during a lesson.
This is the one we use https://www.desmos.com/testing/virginia/scientific
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