2135 results found
Game Based Activities, ex Fill in the Blank should save student responses so that teachers can use them for grades. Even if it isn't an option to export, Game Based Activities, like Fill in the Blank, should save student responses, or allow teachers to view student work, so that teachers can use them for grades.
14 votes -
Make a file all handouts - lick a click pages to select which ones Make a file all handouts - lick a click pages to select which ones
3 votes -
We would like to be able to share our folders with others Instead of only sharing individual files, we would like to be able to share complete folders with others. This way you would be able to share entire lessen series.
1 vote -
1 vote
At least 6 Multiple Choice Options for a Quiz Allow for at least 6 Multiple Choice options, to accommodate the 5 AP answer options. Then show which students/teams answered each!
1 vote -
work on multiple lum.ios at a time. I have two classes with the same materials, I would like to easily drag and place from one to the other I have two classes with the same materials, I would like to easily drag and place from one to the other, it'll save me time, and I will know that both have the same slides.
2 votes -
Spelling and grammar check I would like to use Grammarly when adding content to my slides or have a spell checker within Lumio. I am the Queen of typos.
6 votes -
Full Screen Mode Is it possible to get e full-screen mode for presentations?
3 votes -
shout it out Have the student's whole name appear. The way the name appears now makes it hard for a teacher to use it as a grading tool
1 vote -
Quick flick up option I would like to pull up a crib sheet when working with pupil so can see on screen at the same time and then flick away e.g. 3 times table
1 vote -
more manipulatives 3-d shapes (prisms of all kinds, spheres, cylinders, cones, etc.)
for probability:
coins that can be flipped
deck of cards
bag and marbles (where the number and color of marbles can be adjusted)
box with crayons (again, where the number and color of crayons can be adjusted)2 votes -
Assistive Technology supports embedded Access to word prediction within the text box, compatibility with co-writer chrome extension
3 votes -
Sporing av bokstaver Hei!
Har prøvd å lage et undervisningsopplegg med skriving av bokstaver. Ønsker gjerne å finne enkeltbokstaver i ulike fonter, slik at elevene kan komme frem på tavla og øve på den enkelte bokstaven. Dette klarte jeg ikke å finne. Kan noen komme med et tips eller gode søkeord? Det jeg er ute etter er bokstaver med sporing, eller stiplete linjer, i tillegg beskrivelser over hvor man starter og slutter på bokstavene. Finner noen bokstaver, men absolutt ikke alle. Det er jo rettigheter på alt, og tenker det er vel ikke mulig å putte noe fra et annet program inn i…
1 vote -
We would like a way for the teacher to pause student work on a handout while the teacher is displays student progress for the class to revie We would like a way for the teacher to pause student work on a handout while the teacher displays student progress for the class to review.
5 votes -
Add a multiple page pdf as one side/activity Help cut down lag time between switching slides during a group assignment. If we could keep groups the same between activities or have a multiple page pdf as a 1 slide activity instead of broken up by pdf page that would be awesome. My students were a little tired of the lag time and seeing the "Your group" page each time they want to go back and forth between pages of the worksheet.
1 vote -
Add/Adjust Groups after Starting Activity Allow teacher to edit/adjust/add groups to "group worksheets" to allow tardy students to join in mid way through. Please please please and thanks!
1 vote -
Slide link It would be nice to create a link from one slide to another. So you could work on multiple slides then click a link to refer another slide in the document. Rather than having to click to bring the list of slides up and manually scrolling back to a previous slide e.g. you pose a question on slide 5 but the answer is on slide 2. you could click a generated link between the slide to switch back and forth.
12 votes -
Ability to turn off/on edit feature once a student selects done. The teacher should have the ability to turn off the edit feature so that the teacher can give feedback and allow students to students to see it with or without the ability to edit it. If a teaher was to use this for a grade, they may want to show students feedback but not let them edit or alter their work after the student has selected DONE.
2 votes -
response questions student-paced I would like to be able to have students complete response questions in student-paced mode. Right now this can only be done in teacher-paced mode.
10 votes -
1 vote
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