2129 results found
backspace Backspacing is currently EXTREMELY Glitchy for me, and I think this should work properly.
About 70% of the time when I press backspace while editing activities, it tries to go back to the previous text box, instead of deleting text, the same happens when I press the delete button. It works SOMETIMES but not often. When I make a typing mistake I often have to revert to CTRL X to delete mistaken characters.
This is a horrible bug that makes the software extremely difficult to use
1 vote -
On the Game-Based Activities list of options On the Game-Based Activities list of options it would be beneficial to have a key that would show which activities require 2 or more users, student devices, will only work when a teacher starts the activity, has actual percentages or assessments to show student work or progress that a teacher could use as a grade. If a teacher is not familiar with each of these, they may not know that each acivity does not have the same features as another. It would be helpful to provide this information from the start.
2 votes -
NEW Laptop shelf mounted to the side Mobile stand laptop shelf that can be mounted to the side, not just below the board.
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Can we add additional parameters to an object (e.g., infinite clone and only allow vertical movement)? My students with their gross and fine motor abilities could benefit with some restrictions when manipulating objects so they stay in alignment.
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acelera - cambios La actividad acelera no se podría usar con respuestas escritas en lugar de tipo test? de modo que los alumnos deban escribir lo correcto para acertar.
Se puede incluir algun tipo de comparacion de los resultados entre los alumnos de la clase? con alguna grafica o algo asi vistoso?
1 vote -
Individual Quiz Having a Quiz option where it is individual and the questions are all done at the same pace. Kids can answer quickly but have to wait until the time limit is over to go to the next one.
2 votes -
Interactive Clocks Can we make analog clock interactive where you can move the hands around the clock rather than moving the whole hand
10 votes -
New in a Library to be hidden When in an Org Library, we want to be able to add the New in a Library section so that it starts with the Folders. In a big organization, those new files are not that important to most but what is in the folders for their content will be.
8 votes -
sticky notes Would love to have a sticky note - maybe as a pull out in the Gallery (with stickers) that you could infinitely clone, use to sort, type on, put images on etc.
1 vote -
images in fill in blank It would be of great value to be able to add/include images in Fill in the Blank activity. This would allow us to fulfill special accommodations with some students as well as increase the possibilities with the connections being made through the images in the activity (visual--->text). Additionally younger learners start with images and reading and writing with images is a great foundation.
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Chess or Checkers Interactive pre-set checkers or chess boards.
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I Spy It would be nice to insert pics/icons/etc to make a version of I Spy. Including a picture bank like word search.
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Movable Dice When I insert a die on the smartboard (not available online on Lumio) I cannot move it easily on the page.
2 votes -
turn off the "hint" in the word search In the Word Search game, would be great to have the ability to turn off the "hint" for students that do not need or that you do not want them to have
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Ability to favorite lessons in the Lumio library when you may not want to add them to your library When working with multiple teachers you may want to "favorite" a few lessons in the Lumio library to show rather than having to save them all to your "my library"
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1 vote
create your own sticker widget I would like a widget to be added for teachers to create a 'sticker' (like import a png or jpeg file, perhaps of an anchor chart?) that could be added to the board as a widget and follow all activity.
I am a Spanish teacher. It would be helpful to have key vocabulary or conjugation charts always present on the screen for a day -- even if we are already in split screen.3 votes -
app I use lumio on my iPad to deliver notes to students. It would be helpful if lumio had an app for IOS that allowed for the use of an apple pencil or stylus that automatically picks up writing, and when using hand touch it moves the screen not the writing. (similar features to notability).
3 votes -
Six ideas I'm a moderate to severe special education teacher. All of my students are non-verbal and do not read. I use a large number of images that are moved or selected so that they can demonstrate understanding. Often we do an activity where they do work on an iPad while I model on the board. Some simple features that I would really like would be:
- Drag and drop images onto a page.
- Lock the size and rotation of objects but allow them to be moved around the page.
- Allow the teacher to demonstrate on a worksheet while students work on the…
9 votes -
Final Assessment Score at end of Lesson I would like to be able to see the final results of all questions asked during a Lumio lesson in a final report. I ask one or two assessment questions after a set of slides. I can see their results for that question, but I would prefer to see a final total at the end of the lesson. Is this possible?
3 votes
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