Ability for teachers to share and build the same lesson together. Co-author a lesson
Teachers team teach and co-build the same resources all the time. if you be great to see two or more teachers working on the same lesson at the same time. So basically I would be putting together slide 1 and another teacher can be on slide 4 and another teacher can be working on slide 10. The same would be great for students, if a group of students can be co-authoring a lesson and submit it for assessment
Good news! As part of the Spark plan, you can now create shared libraries (dedicated spaces for curating and sharing lessons) and co-edit lessons in real-time within those libraries. Interested in the Spark plan? Learn more about our plan options here: https://www.smarttech.com/en/lumio/pricing
Pam Almaguer commented
It would be great if a collaboration feature, similar to Google, would be added to Lumio so teachers could plan and create lessons together. Please make this a feature so one person doesn't have to create everything.
Voelker, Michelle commented
I would like to have a third "Share Option" - Along with the Teacher Share and Student Share link, I would like a "Collaborative Share" where the file is "LIVE" for anyone with the link. We could collaborate on the creation of the presentation (much like Google and Microsoft offer). When saving, the teacher could be prompted "Edit for ALL" or "Edit this version only". So if I made a critical change, my teaching partners are aware. It is terribly tedious to have multiple versions of one presentation and miss out on collaboration.
Kevin Smith commented
Please add the ability for multiple teachers to collaborate in building Lumio activities in real time just like teachers can collaboratively create on Google Slides, Docs, Sheets, etc.
Kevin Smith commented
teachers need to be able to collaboratively edit Lumio documents so that we are not sending new links for each edit & cluttering our accounts
Lisa Diner commented
As we co-collaborate on projects, it would be great if we could co-create a Lumio. The share feature allows downloading a copy, not collaborate
Lisa Diner commented
As we co-collaborate on projects, it would be great if we could co-create a Lumio. The share feature allows downloading a copy, not collaborate
Amy Johnson commented
Allow teachers to share lessons while in the creation phase so that teachers can collaborate on creating Lumio lessons.
Debbie Ball commented
Lumio needs to be a fluid program so that multiple teachers can work on it at the same time.
Jody Shpur commented
Judging by the number and longevity of requests, it is surprising for no updates about this feature aside from Joe's 2019 response to Anonymous. No one is saying this isn't a big ask, but it would go a long way (in terms of client loyalty) to occasionally affirm you have heard from the people who use your service... and what (if anything) is being done. I, too, hope a "co-teacher" feature with respect to documents made within Lumio. I hope this finds all in good spirits and health in these challenging times.
Megan Hall commented
My team and I plan together and we should love to work on the same Lumio. We would like, just like PPT, to be able to share and collaborate on the same Lumio. Is there a way for you to add this feature?
Karen Ladendorf commented
I want the ability to share the same file with my coteacher. When you share the link it creates its own copy instead of being able to work on the same file. My Coteacher is not able to see if I make changes because they have a copy not the original.
Anonymous commented
I've shared Lumio files with colleagues and it would be helpful for any editing to carry over to each other.
Kamala Kandi commented
Real-time update on shared files when the files are updated. I add activities on daily basis to my lesson and collaborate with multiple teachers. I have to share the file multiple times to update my colleagues. Is it possible to update the shared files as well and keep it in view-only mode - asking for what Google lets us do.
Working in a self-contained SPED high school, activities are difficult to find. Most activities are too academic. Equally the files our students need are labor intensive to create and then it's "hit and miss" as to whether they find it interesting. So, the idea of a shared folder with spec. ed. teachers allows us to add / copy / modify existing files without starting from scratch and looking through a lot of files.
Jenny J Tackett commented
Is there a way that we could provide an inservice teacher or a co-teacher access to our work for editing and use during their experience with us to make their learning or co-teaching more cohesive and transparent for students?
Lisa West commented
Please consider developing a way for teachers in a school district to share lessons containing proprietary content with one another via an activity library. For example, our school district has purchased materials that cannot be shared with anyone outside of the district. We currently have this option within Seesaw (for elementary schools) but would love to have a similar option K-12 in SMART Learning Suite Online. Thanks!
Anonymous commented
The ability to share a presentation with you colleague so that you are both editors on the same document.
Anonymous commented
Shared Google Drives, Google Classrooms, Brightspace are all platforms where you can add multiple teachers who all have access to adding or editing slides/folders/posts/comments. By adding this feature, you allow grade levels, teaching partners, committees, team to all collaborate and edit the same things.
Sabrina Viteritti commented
Shared Google Drives, Google Classrooms, Brightspace are all platforms where you can add multiple teachers who all have access to adding or editing slides/folders/posts/comments. By adding this feature, you allow grade levels, teaching partners, committees, team to all collaborate and edit the same things.
Rachel Nimmer commented
Collaborate on the same doc as co-teachers (like a google doc). My coworker and I share a class. It would be nice to add a co-teacher to a class.