161 results found
Pop out window for audio recorder for students--don't block the whole window Allow students to view the lumio while recording. Right now the the recording window blocks the window and can't move it and see what is behind it.
1 votecompleted ·AdminSMART Technologies Product Management (Product Manager, SMART Technologies) responded
Thanks for your feedback, Angelica. We have added the ability to minimize the audio recorder. Students can do this by clicking on the minimize icon (a horizontal line) to collapse the recording window to a toolbar.
Offer high school background themes When creating the matching game or sorting, I would like to see a more mature background theme for high school. The themes seem elementary in characters.
3 votescompleted ·AdminSMART Technologies Product Management (Product Manager, SMART Technologies) responded
We have added several generic themes for the activities. Please take a look. If there are other ideas for engaging themes for high school students, please let us know.
Can we add additional parameters to an object (e.g., infinite clone and only allow vertical movement)? My students with their gross and fine motor abilities could benefit with some restrictions when manipulating objects so they stay in alignment.
1 votecompleted ·AdminSMART Technologies Product Management (Product Manager, SMART Technologies) responded
Good news. You now have more options to lock objects to constrain the movement. For example, you can lock an object to only allow vertical movement.
11 votescompleted ·
AdminSMART Technologies Product Management (Product Manager, SMART Technologies) responded
Good news. You can now print your Lumio lessons by exporting them to PDF.
Lock feature "allow vertical or horizontal move" as you can in Notebook Being able to change the lock features would allow for interactive options for students to move items and slide things in a uniform manner. This is currently available in Notebook and it would be great to add it into Lumio.
45 votescompleted ·AdminSMART Technologies Product Management (Product Manager, SMART Technologies) responded
Good news, advanced locking is now available in Lumio!
Can you add folders to organize the content in your library? Can you add folders to organize the content in your library?
22 votescompleted ·AdminSMART Technologies Product Management (Product Manager, SMART Technologies) responded
You can use folders to organize your own lessons in My Library. Here are the details: https://support.smarttech.com/docs/software/lumio/en/getting-started-teachers/organizing-lessons.cshtml
Translation Widget We would love a simple translation widget. We have a non-english speaking preschooler and it would be nice to quickly type in a word or small set of instructions and it audibly translate for him. We currently do this on our phones for him, but it would be nice to keep our phones out of the lessons!
3 votescompleted ·AdminSMART Technologies Product Management (Product Manager, SMART Technologies) responded
Lumio works with Immersive Reader to provide translation support for text in lessons. Students can turn on Immersive Reader mode and select any text to be translated and read out by Immersive Reader. Here are the details: https://support.smarttech.com/docs/software/lumio/en/delivering-lessons/immersive-reader.cshtml
Hispanic Heritage month Template Can you create a set of templates for Hispanic Heritage month? Maybe have pages with background graphics of flags/maps of different Spanish speaking countries. You could also choose some images of historic or tourist landmarks.
1 votecompleted ·AdminSMART Technologies Product Management (Product Manager, SMART Technologies) responded
We did our own of a Hispanic Heritage month template. Check it out here: https://suite.smarttech-prod.com/content/f6f7c253-7c8b-413f-84c6-b27b40331c0e
Be able to download lessons as PDF files Just as we upload files to Lumio using PDF, it is annoying not to be able to download the completed files, to print for students or to save on our desktop.
228 votescompleted ·AdminSMART Technologies Product Management (Product Manager, SMART Technologies) responded
Good news. You can now print your Lumio lessons by exporting them to PDF.
Integrate Canva with Lumio Canva has so many editable creative templates and it would be awesome if we had the ability to upload our slides/template directly from Canva to Lumio! Right now I can download it as a PPT, then upload that presentation to Lumio which works, but it is just an extra step that seems like it could be an easy option if it was integrated.
1 votecompleted ·AdminSMART Technologies Product Management (Product Manager, SMART Technologies) responded
Thanks for your feedback. Good news. We have completed an integration with Canva. Once the app is approved, look for the Lumio app in Canva to publish designs from Canva directly into Lumio.
Merge items in a lumio page In Smart Notebook, there was the ability to take several items pasted onto a page and merge them together to make one item. I would like to see this capability in Lumio as well. Then the entire item size can be adjusted instead of adjusting each individual item.
1 votecompleted ·AdminSMART Technologies Product Management (Product Manager, SMART Technologies) responded
Thank you for your feedback. We have added the ability to group objects in Lumio. You can select multiple objects by holding down the shift key while dragging to select or clicking on each object you want to select. Then click the object dropdown menu and select "Group".
Print the lumio as a handout similar to MS PowerPoint or Google Slides. Print the lumio as a handout similar to MS PowerPoint or Google Slides.
69 votescompleted ·AdminSMART Technologies Product Management (Product Manager, SMART Technologies) responded
Good news. You can now print your Lumio lessons by exporting them to PDF.
PLEASE create the ability to print Similar to SMART notebook - PLEASE help us teachers by giving us the ability to print our Lumio lessons onto paper, seeing each slide as a thumbnail (eg: 6 thumbnails images per page). This is so important for at least 2 reasons: 1) so a teacher can see (on the paper) where their lesson is headed, and 2) for documentation/storage purpose over the years. PLEASE
8 votescompleted ·AdminSMART Technologies Product Management (Product Manager, SMART Technologies) responded
Good news. You can now print your Lumio lessons by exporting them to PDF.
Option to: "Copy Class ID" link Copy Link to Class with Class ID.
Current workflow is: Show students Login info, they type in hellosmart.com, and type in class ID.
With monitoring software, I can force open a tab. But, I can only force open hellosmart.com
IF there was a copy link button that brought them straight to the right class with the class ID already included, we can get to the lesson so much faster. typing in hellosmart.com and a 6 digit number shouldnt be difficult...but it causes delays in troubleshooting why "its not working for me".The quizzing websites like kahoot offer this, and it…
10 votescompleted ·AdminSMART Technologies Product Management (Product Manager, SMART Technologies) responded
Click on your class code in your MyLibrary view to pull up a modal with your Class Session Link. You can copy and paste the link or even pull up a QR code to print or let your users scan.
Here's a help page with more information: https://support.smarttech.com/docs/software/lumio/en/delivering-lessons/help-students-join.cshtml?cshid=connect-qr#QR
Hotkeys for up and down Please add a hotkey to allow clicking the up and down arrows inside a presentation. By doing this I would be able to remap a presentation clicker for use while presenting in a large hall.
3 votescompleted ·AdminSMART Technologies Product Management (Product Manager, SMART Technologies) responded
Good news. You can now use arrow keys to navigate between pages, and this hopefully will also work with clickers.
Using a Clicker while in a Lumio Lesson. I have a clicker to help me go from slide to slide on PowerPoint. It would be absolutely great to use when using this feature when teaching a lesson through Lumio. I have one that is connected Bluetooth from my computer to my remote. This would help not having to click the arrows to go to the next slide during a lesson.
8 votescompleted ·AdminSMART Technologies Product Management (Product Manager, SMART Technologies) responded
Good news. You can now use arrow keys to navigate between pages, and this hopefully will also work with clickers.
Print a slide Can you print one slide from a lesson?
18 votescompleted ·AdminSMART Technologies Product Management (Product Manager, SMART Technologies) responded
Good news. You can now print Lumio lessons by exporting them to PDF. You can select specific pages from the PDF to print.
Please allow us to export slides/files as pdf's to print Please allow us to export Lumio slides/files as pdf's in order to be able to print them out. I really liked this feature in Smart Notebook.
20 votescompleted ·AdminSMART Technologies Product Management (Product Manager, SMART Technologies) responded
Good news. You can now print your Lumio lessons by exporting them to PDF.
Be able to print existing uploaded files I just found a file I had uploaded last year. I can't print the file. I don't know where the original one is. I obviously uploaded it to the program, but now I can't print copies for my students.
18 votescompleted ·AdminSMART Technologies Product Management (Product Manager, SMART Technologies) responded
Good news. You can now print your Lumio lesson by exporting them to PDF.
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