More editing features in Suites
Suites needs to allow teachers to edit more than adding activities, move pages, etc. I want to be able to add text, link pages, etc. Can Suites have all the creations features that the desktop Notebook has? It is needs to be more fluid. Once a notebook is created and uploaded, sometimes more changes need to be made. It would be easier to do it there instead of going back to the original notebook and then upload it again>
Hey everyone, many of the features you've all requested in the comments to this idea have been implemented. For example:
- Edit text
- Shapes and Lines
- Import and combine resources (PDF, PPT, Slides, Notebook, etc.)
- Duplicate pages
- Convert Handouts and Workspaces back to regular pages
- Use pen tools in authoring mode
- Student multimedia tools in Handouts and Workspaces
With all this in mind, we'll go ahead and close this general idea as completed. If there are still features that you'd like to see (such as hyperlinking to pages, attaching audio clips, etc.), please vote for those individual ideas. If you can't find an idea to cover your desired feature, we'd love it if you created one.
Thanks for using Lumio, we hope that your experience has been great with all these additional features.
Lisa West commented
It would be helpful to have the option to draw/add shapes and lines. It would also be helpful if we could duplicate slides within SLSO. Is it already an option to insert a link within a slide? If so, I've missed it. Thanks!
Anonymous commented
Must have :
1. UNDO button
2. Ability to add pdf's after the lesson is created
3. Some basic geometry tools
4. some extra workspace when a worksheet is used -
Tamara Southern commented
Teachers need to be able to undo a student individual activity page and have the ability to edit the page.
Anonymous commented
I would like to be able to edit the ready made activities. Instead of the question being about what do you understand about this topic ?- I would like to be able to change the text to the the exact question I want students to answer.
Anonymous commented
We need to be able to add PDF or Powerpoint files AFTER you have created your lesson. At this point if you don't get everything added in the beginning then you do without or have to start completely over. This is very frustrating. I need to have the ability to add additional things after the initial creation.
Once an activity has been added it can't be changed at this time. I accidentally created an activity as individual but needed it to be group. There is no way to change it from one to the other at this point.
I love the pre-made activities and pages but I want to be able to edit (or add) the wording that is standard. Sometimes the activity would fit much better if there the wording could be altered so students better understand exactly how the activity fits what we are discussing
Anonymous commented
Must have: the ability to add additional PDF, notebook, and PPT AFTER you've started creating an lesson.
Tiffany J commented
shapes- circle, square, rectangle, star, check mark to start.
laser pointer - to highlight where a student needs to check their work
screen shade
URL click for assignment pairing
immersive reader -
Ronald Fisher commented
Must haves,
**** Undo Button
1. Being able to use a pen or highlighter (Even if it is just the basic Pens)
2. Being able to add a line or a shape
Way down the list, being able to clone a page.FYI shapes (divided shapes right now don't work well in SLSO).
Stephanie Ryon commented
the transfer from a notebook file created on the Notebook software into SLS Online is clunky - features are lost and things need to be edited! I need some of the basic features I had in the general notebook software to be available online in SLS (screen shade, timer, more features for kids to use when editing on their screens, etc.)
Candace Tickle commented
Creating objects, cloning, videos, inserting clipart
Have an option to delete cloned objects you don't need -
Sharon Mora commented
The ability to remove handout feature from a page.
Also would be terrific if objects can be deleted: e.g. I use Infinite cloner a lot with young students to build arrays, work with money etc, and if they drag too many objects they need the ability to be able to delete the extras.
Screenshade would be a handy feature. -
Maria Egidio commented
To add to this : Screen Shade and/or Magic Pen focus features
Nancy Biddinger commented
Insert web pages/URL, insert videos.
Isla commented
Yes, I agree with Kate, to fully utilise SLSonline we need to be able to add shapes and objects as well as a text editor. It's too clunky going back and forth and reuploading.
Anonymous commented
It looks like I can't duplicate an activity so that I can adapt it to different material with the same format. That would be so much easier than recreating it each time.
Anonymous commented
Students need to be able to add text, images, shapes, pictures, media....this has been a step backwards from SMARTamp. I’m still mourning the loss of SMARTamp. For students to collaborate they need to be able to create on a page. Otherwise the power is limited. Thank you!!
Nancy Biddinger commented
I would like to be able to clear results from a group or individual activities. Today I had to recreate a set in SLSO because I couldn't find a way to reset the activity so that it is cleared.
Come to think of it, it would be nifty to be able to duplicate an activity.
Kate commented
Text editor (adding), copy and paste objects, shapes,