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  1. Hei. Hadde vært fint om man kunne endre layouten på memoryspillet. Det er veldig forstyrrende for elever med jungeltema når de skal jobbe med temaet jul. Autismevennlig er det heller ikke.

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  2. Having a Quiz option where it is individual and the questions are all done at the same pace. Kids can answer quickly but have to wait until the time limit is over to go to the next one.

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  3. It would be amazing if we could connect multiple boards. If a teacher is teaching a lesson from one SMART Board, students from a different room with another SMART board can access the teacher's board simultaneously.

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  4. It would be useful to be able to add audio to the flip out cards for foreign language learners. Or, be able to embed quizlet flashcards.

    Thanks in advance.

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  5. When presenting I would love if the presentation allowed you to use your microphone to allow subtitles/closed captioning during the presentation. These closed captioning/ subtitles would also allow you to get translation into other languages. Many times, our teachers need this and use PowerPoint as their presentation and sometimes go back and forth to use single activities in Lumio. This would create a big buy in.

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  6. I would like to have a feature where I can take images that I find and add them to the Gallery on the board so I can access on the whiteboard as well as in Lumio. This way I can reuse these images in other files without having to search the web again or making copies of the entire file. This would be similar to what Canva and Adobe Express has when I upload images.

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  7. Ability to select multiple slides in the presentation to do multiple features (copy/duplicate slides, turn interactive, etc).

    Adding a feature such a shift clicking to select multiple slides in the presentations to then add various features in edit mode.

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  8. Create an option for a text box in the Monster Quiz, so that students can answer multiple choice questions about the text. This would enable them to refer to the text on the same screen as the questions.

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  9. It would be great if we could change the layout of the pages so that we could see them in a grid version for mass editing where the slide is rather than having to drag it from bottom to top etc.

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  10. We can add shapes from Lumio online, but there is not way for me to add shapes or lines while teaching on the Smartboard.

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  11. Please maintain and enhance support for Microsoft integrations and Teams. We use Teams as our LMS.

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  12. While students are waiting for me to begin a lesson in Lumio, I would like to ability to disable the new "bee" game where students beat on their spacebars and yell at each other across the room. This should be an option for educators under their class settings.

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  13. It would be great if students could use a translation tool to translate audio added to Lumio slides.

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  14. Please offer a single Treble Clef staff and a rhythm staff in Lumio for use in K-5 settings for the creation of recorder melodies and also rhythms.

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  15. Provide a way for teachers to bulk convert files from one format to another (e.g. all Notebook files in a folder; all Google Slides files in a folder).

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  16. Allow Videos to be embedded directly in Lumio (like they are in the SMART Notebook). If I am tweaking a slideshow imported from SMART notebook, I want to be able to switch out a video and have it be directly in the slides without having to change it in Smart Notebook, and import all of the slides again.

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  17. Currently, audio added to Lumio files can only be accessed on student devices. I would like students to be able to use my Smartboard in class to click on the audio files and hear them.

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  18. Allow GIFs or animations in Lumio (similar to how Google Slides and Book Creator both have animated GIFs now) with an option to keep all of our premade animations and GIFs when we upload via BETA - without this option I have had to create presentations and activities in Book Creator or use Google slides/Canva as the animations and GIFs keep my students much more engaged.

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  19. I would like to see a game-based activity where every question is its own slide will have a question (with image, text & voice recording options or all three). Students can respond by clicking on the correct answer (in tile format). Answers can be multiple choice or true/false answers (with image, text & voice recording options or all three). Immediate feedback is given. Slide advances to the next question.

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  20. For game-based activities, would like to have the option of adding a voice recording instead of just text or image which would be helpful in designing phonemic awareness activities.

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