Feedback for: SMART lab themes with new audio [Underwater, Monster, Rock star]
Tell us what you liked, disliked and any suggestions.
Geri Feiock commented
I love the new themes! Having sound on a few of them is fun! One little thing I noticed is that the rock band speakers have a significant line going across the middle of the speakers which misleadingly looks like it's divided into two sections (top/bottom half) when dragging content into the speakers. Maybe just softening that line a little bit in that graphic would help.
Ronald Fisher commented
I like what Holger and Mike are hinting at, the themes are really geared toward the younger students (elementary aged). Could we suggest some ways of "hitting" the older childrens' interest? They are absorbed with more mature agendas, but let us not forget that there is a kid in all of us whether we are 10, 15, 22 or even 102. By starting here it we don't want a plethora of themes, but I sense we want to customize to fit our audience!!!
Larisa commented
I love the new themes
Dagmar Nebuželská commented
Thank you for applications that are excellent possibilities for rapid preparation within the hour. I really love it. Mainly I love loud scream out lound place xc! These options need much teaching. Collaboration and motivation of students into teaching, it is ok.
Holger Meeh commented
The new themes are very pretty, but I will rarely work with it because my students are young adults. I would hope that I can adjust the LAB Themes to my ideas. I would for example like to change the background and the position of the various elements.
Sandra Landertinger commented
I love the new themes and I am really looking forward to try them with my students.
Jennifer Thornsberry commented
Love, Love the new themes. They make the what you can do even more fun!
Gerd Söderlund commented
The rock star theme will be great for older students, who might find some of the other themes a bit childish.
Mike McGowan commented
Interesting new idea. Kind of like it. I think will really work with the youngest of students. Will not play well with the older grades. Teachers at that grade own't use these new themes but that is okay. But some work on finding some more age appropriate themes for say grades 5 and up would be a big step forward.
Ronald Fisher commented
Someone had too much fun! But thank you, it's like the missing gaming element. The music drives them to learn. I can't wait to try it with the students!