Allow sorts with more than 2 topics
I would love a sort with more than 2 topics. I just made a Lumio over 4 similar science terms. I wish we could sort into 4!
under review
AdminSMART Technologies Product Management
(Product Manager, SMART Technologies)

Thanks for your feedback. We will look at providing more flexibility to customize how sorting activities can be used.
Candace Tickle commented
Having an option to make 3 or 4 topics at least would help with problem solving in all subject areas. Specifically, how to categorize with specific skills of noticing similarities and differences
Kim Schneider commented
I agree! The most frequent sorting students do in German is the 3 genders.
Pauline du Fossé - Stuyvenberg commented
I agree on this so much. In biology or chemistry my colleagues and I would love at least 3 categories to sort, but 4 would be better