Download fonts!
I would love to be able to download any fonts on Lumio, so that my fonts on my Powerpoints that I import, are added in. For example, my PowerPoints have NSW Print fonts which are imperative for teaching Stage 1 students. This font does not carry across when I use Lumio.

Thank you for your feedback. We are looking into adding support for more fonts in Lumio including ones that do not use the "computer a".
Lisa West commented
Hello, SMART! Thanks for adding so many new fonts to Lumio. They are quite useful! Today my team had a meeting with representatives sharing info about Lumio Spark. (We are very excited about the roadmap!) During the meeting, it was suggested that I submit a request for a specific feature, so I am following up on this thread. I believe this involves having the option to *upload* fonts, rather than download them.
While using Lumio, teachers want to use fonts they downloaded to their device...but that would require having the option to *upload* fonts to a Lumio account.
Aside from the "math fonts" noted in the comment I posted last spring, the "shape box" font concept would be useful for diverse groups of students. Here are two examples of "shape box" fonts: and Perhaps one of your staff members can create a similar option!
As noted in other comments, the option to upload fonts to a password-protected site, such as Canva, is available. Perhaps SMART could include a disclaimer similar to the one posted by Canva about uploading fonts. Just a thought.
Thanks for listening to what teachers need to meet the needs of all students!
Ram commented
come on smart, until you catch up with your competition, ie figma and canva etc that let organisations upload and use fonts (even on chromebooks), then you're going to lose a lot of primary schools that need this for teaching handwriting.
Ram commented
This is holding us back. we're trying to teach from the mx725v4 using the built in whiteboard and chromebooks using lumio. we have a school font we use for handwriting. all our old notebook english files use this font. in canva we are able to upload and use it, but not in lumio? this cannot be too hard to do Smart?
Andrew Spencer commented
this is essential, we cant purchase lumio until we can add a purchased font, in this case cursive
Lisa Seeney commented
Hi there,
Just wondering if any progress has been made on this? Myself and my colleagues would love to convert to using Lumio but require NSW foundation font to be available in order to do this.
Lisa -
Lisa West commented
We wholeheartedly agree! Our teachers utilize 123 Math Fonts (True Type fonts) for instruction, and they appear as expected in SMART Notebook, However, they import into Lumio with space between each character. Edits are not possible because there are only five fonts currently available in Lumio.
Cheryl commented
I totally agree with this idea! My kindergarten students need a font that looks like the letters they are learning and the ones that I use everyday. Please make adding a student friendly font a priority for our little learners. Thanks!
Kim Karbowski commented
I need different font options!
I teach early childhood and HATE using what I call the "computer a."I need a font like comic sans that has a regular "a" similar to what I'm trying to teach the kids to write.