Be able to download lessons as PDF files
Just as we upload files to Lumio using PDF, it is annoying not to be able to download the completed files, to print for students or to save on our desktop.

Good news. You can now print your Lumio lessons by exporting them to PDF.
Pamela Vasilopoulos commented
Can students download their PDF files from our Lumio lessons to work on paper?
Michael Ketterer commented
Yesterday Lumio was down, I was unable to run or even open my Lumio lesson minutes before my class arrived. We defiantly need access to our created slides if Lumio is inaccessible or internet is down in the building or district wide. Please allow us to access our files offline.
Nicole Solis commented
This is especially important after the Lumio outage today. Many of the teachers I coach in the School District of Philadelphia were unable to teach their lessons because they were created in Lumio and Lumio could not be accessed. Teachers expressed frustration that they didn't have the option to download their files as backups for events like the one that we all experienced today.
Mrs. Slaugenhaupt commented
I see this feature is 'started', so when can we expect this function to be available...been waiting a lot time for this to happen.
Suzanne Patterson commented
Is there an update on the progress of this capability? Could users be looking for this to be an option for this school year?
Ashley Haken commented
It would be helpful to have the ability for teachers to download a Lumio presentation after the fact. Useful to post for kids who need to review content and/or students who were absent for the day. Kids who need hard copies for IEP purposes etc.
Ahmet Gumustepe commented
Janet Bell commented
Fantastic! Did I say fantastic? YES! Thank you so very much. I can't wait to promote this within my community once I see it operational. Thanks again!
Ahmet Gumustepe commented
Can we have the option to print Lumio slide?
Yannik Blier commented
This promise was made way back in 2021 and it is still not an option. Is there a timeline on when this feature will be added?
As a Tech Coach for my school board, this missing feature is often stated as THE feature that makes teachers NOT use Lumio. Teachers want the ability to download the lessons created in Lumio to be used offscreen as well. Especially for student with IEPs that legally require printed notes after a lesson.
Hamilton, Jessica commented
Agreed. Also being able to select which pages we want to export as a PDF with annotations will be really important.
Michele Murray commented
Very important -- a definite deal breaker without it. Especially for students with specific learning needs
Sam Yoon commented
I absolutely agree
Mrs. Slaugenhaupt commented
This is a very important feature that needs to be added. Is there an update on the status of this? Many students require printed, completed notes. It is very time consuming to have to screenshot each page in order to do this.
Lisa Meneghin commented
This needs to be added to Lumio. So many teacher need to print presentations
Janet Bell commented
I actually think this is critical. I work with school districts developing PIAs (privacy impact assessments) for the apps their teachers use. One of the criteria decision-makers look for is that content creators can retrieve their data...yet if we have no way of downloading a PDF of a Lumio file, then if one day a license expires, ALL access to teacher-generated content disappears. If teachers can download PDFs of their content (as they can from other similar apps), then this not only lets them keep and reutilize content they have created but also checks off the PIA box that they can access their content beyond the app itself.
Alyssa Thalmann commented
After we complete a lesson on Lumio, I would like the option to save as a PDF or print the lesson with annotations. Many of my students need printed notes and it would be so nice to be able to print the notes after class. I use Lumio as a presentation tool.
Jennifer Nakashima commented
In addition, being able to download "Shout it Outs" as PDfs. In some larger, full class brainstorming sessions it is very handy to be able to have a capture of content to be able to be able to cull the ideas for later use. Example...collecting ideas for a song writing session.
Kevin Berndt commented
This is a feature that would benefit teachers in the organisation of their work, as well as allow students access to their work for assessments.
Visitor xx commented
yessssssssss - was going to ask about this feature!