2112 results found
Import questions in assessment In assessment activity, I'd like to request the ability to import questions from an excel file instead of writing the questions and answers one by one
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lower case letters for word building lower case letters for the word building because young children need to learn lowercase letters more for reading and writing
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Integration with Google Slides Integrate with Google Slides via Google Slides add-on!
I love Smart Learning Suite and as far as the features and options for activities, I find it superior to Nearpod. However, I end up using Nearpod much more for lessons simply because it is available as an add-on for Google Slides, and considering that my school is a Google school and we have to use Google apps for lesson materials, this makes using Smart Learning Suite difficult. In addition, I create all of my slideshow templates in Google Slides, and it is tedious to download as a PowerPoint and import into…
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ability to duplicate slides or place objects in slides to cover answers ability to duplicate slides or place objects in slides to cover answers
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Student-Paced Lesson Report I would like to see which students have accessed the student paced lessons.
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I would like to see all of the drawing tools that are part of the desktop version of Notebook . I believe that the smart suite is the way to go, but I need to be able to draw for my students and I can not currently do that with the tools provided.
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Video feature I would like children or adults to create or use existing videos and edit so questions appear as The user watches the video. This would be ideal for flipped learning. But also allow young people to really understand the video content, to be able to ask questions. The questions could maybe include SLSO features.
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Record a voice over that can play when each slide is accessed. I'd like to be able to actually teach over each slide instead of just have my kids read it independently. Kids learn in different ways and some of my kids just won't read this independently unless I am right over them. Maybe they might pay more attention if they hear my voice.
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puzzle game one of the activities will be to use an image and make it a puzzle for kids to put together
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Ability to push out multiple activities at once I have created multiple activities (I would like to separate my activities into individual files instead of all together) and would like to be able to share more than 1 activity with students at a time. It would be great if we can have the ability to see all the files, push whichever activities we would like students to try at once, and leave the activities on the site until the next round whether we choose to add more or take away some. At this point, it seems I am only able to push out 1 activity at a time.
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In the online suite, it would be great to add uploaded document, ie. notebook files, powerpoints, etc to preexisting online presentations. I created activities in an online smart presentation. When I upload my google slide presentation (converted to a PDF) it made a separate presentation in the online suite. There was no way for me to copy the slides into my current online smart presentation. I would also like my activities to be saved so that I can reuse them in different online presentations.
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Student handouts - accessable to students for review and action over time Enable folders or something - that students can access over time or reference back to - I teach online and my students work at different paces. So it would be helpful to have handouts on my videos that students watching the video could access and work along with the lesson. This idea would alos work for guided notes with a unit or a unit review.
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Wireless screen share from IOS operating system. Share the laptop screen wirelessly from IOS without using apple tv.
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Student responses - drawings - preview When the kids turn in their answers I have to click on each individual kid to see their work. I would love it if I could see a preview screen shot so that I can use it as a quick check for understanding. Clicking on each individual one takes too much time - especially if I have 5 classes of 25+kids to get through in a day.
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I just want a blank place that I can write I just want to use old files on this new online. I also want to write on the board with out having to make into an entire activity. Where is the blank site I can write Welcome to my students?
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More Text/Characters I LOVE "Shout it Out!" and use it frequently in my classroom. My students and I would love to be able to elaborate and add evidence into the text boxes, but often they run out of room. Is there a way, other than adding actually text boxes, to add more text to one box?????
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Integrating the gallery into SMART lab activities that allow images. Integrating the gallery into SMART lab activities that allow images.
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Student Turn int Ability to add text to a pdf
Able to copy a lesson
Ability for students to turn in lessons8 votes -
Scrolling whiteboard I would love to have the ability to have a scrolling whiteboard. Working long math problems is prohibitive if i have to create a new page halfway through the equation.
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Convert a handout or workspace back to page. The ability to change back to a back that was converted to activity after lesson was saved or finished editing. I know I can undo, but that is only if I catch the change before exiting Edit Mode.
8 votes
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