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SMART Notebook

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SMART Notebook



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  1. It would be great if I could insert an equation right in the text. If I want to insert an equation in a paragraph I have to leave space, open the equation tool, type it in then resize to fit.

    It would be great if there was a size option for the equation tool. When adjusting the equation and I click to insert the size increases and I have to resize.

    The text that is used to write the equation is not what it use to be. It is distorted and looks nothing like an equation editor math equation.

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  2. I am a teacher that often creates lessons at home. Is it possible to remove the watermark on the basic version as I do not have a SmartBoard in my house?

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  3. Although you have detailed documentation for customizing the configuration of SMART Notebook and SMART Drivers before/during deployment (by using SMART Install Manager and/or Windows Installer properties), there is hardly any documentation of configuring the installed product. I'm not talking about configuration via the GUI, but via script/command line/GPO.

    There are several possibilities to configure SMART Notebook through configuration files and registry keys, but finding them is cumbersome. It would be great if those options could be documented as well.

    Some examples of undocumented configurations (for Windows-based Installations):
    * Customizing the toolbar is possible by deploying the file "custom.xml" in "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\SMART…

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  4. Es wäre schön, wenn man PDFs direkt importieren könnte und nicht als Bilder. Ansonsten sollten die einzelnen Folien/Seiten zumindest eine gute Auflösung haben, da diese sonst sehr unscharf werden (siehe Anhänge). ich fände es zudem auch gut, wenn die Folien bzw. die Bilder der Folien nicht verschiebbar sind. Ich arbeite am MacBook mit der Notebook-Software.

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  5. I love your product. I would love to use again. My district LVUSD in california, is preparing all of us to go remotely because of the corona virus. We are using google hangouts but the google platform does not have a 'board' to write on. When I was in Palm Springs for the CMC I talked to your employees about the smartboard. I even sold a couple of districts to buy the product.
    Thank you for reading my post.

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  6. I would like set for default this line. After close SN and open still not save. How is solution?

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  7. I am a Kindergarten teacher. I am trying to use the activities feature and share activities to our iPads. It is helpful for my young learners to have a font that looks like the letters they are learning. The font that appears when I type in text does not allow the letters I, g and a to look like the letters they are learning. Please allow us to choose a font or make a different font the default. Thank you!

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  8. I would like a function that lock lines and figures in a point, making it possible to rotate it.

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  9. 1 vote

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  10. In the in-built Whiteboard, we currently have access to lined, grid, dotted or grey background. Several children in my school have problems dealing with text on white background. Please can we have some other colours (pastel).

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  11. It would be great to add in the preferencies the possibility to presonalize the hotkeys

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  12. 11 votes

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  13. It's annoying to have to change pen thickness many times. Same goes for text size. In general, give the user much more customizability and control. We have no options right now.

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  14. Mit Maestro und der SmartNotebook APP konnten wir super im Raum agieren.
    Für neue Kollegen ist dies nicht mehr möglich da die APP von eurer Seite eingestellt worden ist.
    Super Hilfreiche Tools einfach einzustellen macht uns das Leben schwere. Ist das die Hilfe die Smart anbietet? Welche Alternative gibt es ? Bis jetzt wurde mir nichts angeboten was diese Funktion wiedergibt.

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  15. 1 vote

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  16. When I'm searching on SMART Notebook, I should be able to hit enter and not HAVE TO hit the search icon.

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  17. Es gibt ziemlich viele Anbieter, welche ihre "3D-Objekte" zur Verfügung stellen.
    Jedoch kann man diese nicht in die Smart Notebook Software integrieren,:" Dateipfad nicht gefunden"

    Gibt es da eine andere Möglichkeit diese einzubinden?

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  18. 5 votes

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  19. Triple-click to select all of the text in a text box instead of click, drag, select.

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  20. Could you please add back the "edit group" function on the page sorter in Windows? It is so much easier to use. It is so much easier to see what you are doing rather than moving one page at a time. Time is a precious commodity to a teacher.

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