Tons of quality of life improvements please
Please add as options or default behavior. Your current options screen is minimal and could be vastly improved with more options. (Applies to version 18.1.2294.0)
+Allow scrollbar to scroll infinitely like Microsoft Excel without needing to press extend page
+Allow "extend page" to be a button on the tool bar, place it in the drop down menu in the "view" menu, and give it a keyboard shortcut.
+Allow us to change and save default colors for each pen, and default pen thickness. These changes are lost on Notebook restart currently.
+Allow to change and save default eraser thickness as well.
+Allow us to control scrollbar thickness as an option to make it easier to correctly click the scrollbar
+When using screen capture tool, allow us to draw the capture box and adjust the lines by clicking and dragging before the capture is taken. Similar to Microsoft Word "crop" feature when selecting an image. This could be added as separate capture option on the capture menu with the 4 options currently.