Settings and activity
115 results found
4 votes
Zimmerman, Tim supported this idea ·
2 votes
Sorry about this! We're currently working on a solution for the next iQ release.
In the meantime, this is how some users are deleting videos:
1. Hold and drag video (even just an inch or something) so the light blue annotation selection rectangle shows up
2. Put a second finger on the video (might need to make a motion so the whiteboard acknowledges the second finger, such as the increase/decrease video size motion)
3. Remove the original finger and pan on some empty space on the whiteboard. You will see the radar view's gridlines move to let you know you were successful.
The above guarantees you can always select the video, and doesn't launch the video
Zimmerman, Tim supported this idea ·
8 votes
Zimmerman, Tim supported this idea ·
96 votes
Zimmerman, Tim supported this idea ·
134 votesunder review ·
AdminSMART Technologies Product Management (Product Manager, SMART Technologies) responded
Thanks for your feedback. We'll ask our dev team to investigate how best to support the use of gifs in lessons.
Zimmerman, Tim supported this idea ·
277 votesunder review ·
AdminSMART Technologies Product Management (Product Manager, SMART Technologies) responded
We’re exploring how to expose result data from all lab activities. Look for us to start work on this next year.
Zimmerman, Tim supported this idea ·
751 votesunder review ·
AdminSMART Technologies Product Management (Product Manager, SMART Technologies) responded
Thanks for your feedback. We are starting to explore options to make managing multiple classes in Lumio better.
Zimmerman, Tim supported this idea ·
36 votes
Thanks for the suggestion. We have much work planned on our backlog to save student work and enable teachers to review them. This will be a staged release, where you see some activities like Shout It Out and response getting this feature first with others to follow.
Zimmerman, Tim supported this idea ·
11 votes
Thank you for your feedback. We have added the ability for students to respond with text for collaborative Workspace activities and will be adding the same feature for Handout activities soon.
Zimmerman, Tim supported this idea ·
19 votes
Zimmerman, Tim supported this idea ·
8 votes
Zimmerman, Tim supported this idea ·
11 votes
Zimmerman, Tim supported this idea ·
41 votesunder review ·
AdminSMART Technologies Product Management (Product Manager, SMART Technologies) responded
Thanks for your feedback. We will look to improve the way teachers can review student handouts.
Zimmerman, Tim supported this idea ·
72 votesunder review ·
AdminSMART Technologies Product Management (Product Manager, SMART Technologies) responded
Thank you for the great suggestion. We will explore how to provide better control of YouTube video playback in teacher-paced settings.
An error occurred while saving the comment Zimmerman, Tim supported this idea ·
52 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Zimmerman, Tim commented
This is especially important for SE students!
Zimmerman, Tim supported this idea ·
53 votesunder review ·
AdminSMART Technologies Product Management (Product Manager, SMART Technologies) responded
Thank you for making us aware of this issue. We are looking at ways to help teachers better identify signed in students and hold them accountable.
Zimmerman, Tim supported this idea ·
45 votesunder review ·
AdminSMART Technologies Product Management (Product Manager, SMART Technologies) responded
Thanks for your feedback. We'll investigate how Immersive Reader settings can be persisted.
Zimmerman, Tim supported this idea ·
5 votes
Zimmerman, Tim supported this idea ·
12 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Zimmerman, Tim commented
SRM documentation and support are not good at this time. When contacting first level of Smart Support, they don't know SRM.
Zimmerman, Tim supported this idea ·
2 votes
Zimmerman, Tim supported this idea ·
This is extremely important function that needs to be added. The less opportunity for disruption the better it will be for everyone!