Better SMART Remote management documentation
The "ADMINISTRATOR GUIDE" is not in detail, so many functions are no mention. The users are so confuse !

Matt Spies commented
We would love a way to remotely send the following settings to our fleet of smart baords.
1. Turn off the screen sharing code at the top
2. Turn off touch sounds
3. Disable unused inputs
4. Turn on Wake on LAN -
Zimmerman, Tim commented
SRM documentation and support are not good at this time. When contacting first level of Smart Support, they don't know SRM.
Camara Williams commented
Lockdown Settings: You have enabled a feature to lock down the settings via a key on a USB. The key can be added to a Policy in the Smart Remote Management to lock down multiple boards at one time. However, there is no feature to unlock multiple boards at one time. Being able to unlock boards remotely will be an asset to Admin users.