YouTube Viewing Options for Teacher-Paced Lessons
Currently when presenting a teacher-paced lesson, students are able to start an embedded YouTube video instantly on their devices. There is no way for the teacher to control when students are able to start the video which often causes a lot of disruption within the class. Sometimes teachers want to play a YouTube video for the whole class to view together. It would be extremely helpful if teachers could play a YouTube video where students see the video in sync on their devices - OR - where the teacher could at least be able to click the option for students to start just as they can with game-based activities.

Thank you for the great suggestion. We will explore how to provide better control of YouTube video playback in teacher-paced settings.
Lavonnia Banks commented
It is critical for a cohesive lesson and the student's attention span.
Zimmerman, Tim commented
This is extremely important function that needs to be added. The less opportunity for disruption the better it will be for everyone!
Sue Spencer commented
It is critical in order to have less interruption in the lesson you're teaching and it's also a way to keep scholars engaged in the lesson you're teaching.
Deborah Kochanowicz commented
This is very critical so that the lesson you are teaching is not disrupted.