Integrate Canva with Lumio
Canva has so many editable creative templates and it would be awesome if we had the ability to upload our slides/template directly from Canva to Lumio! Right now I can download it as a PPT, then upload that presentation to Lumio which works, but it is just an extra step that seems like it could be an easy option if it was integrated.

Thanks for your feedback. Good news. We have completed an integration with Canva. Once the app is approved, look for the Lumio app in Canva to publish designs from Canva directly into Lumio.
Sarah Arreguin commented
Wow! I can't love this enough! Not sure if this was already in the works or not, or you went by my suggestion, but either way this is awesome! Thanks for making Lumio so user friendly by contiually updating it to offer all kinds of features and tools for teachers and students. It is oneof my favorite tools for educational technology!