I want all of the things from Smart notebook to be available in Lumio
Our district upgraded our smartboards to the 6000 series this summer. I am changing my notebook files to lumio so I can use them on the board.
In lumio, I am finding it difficult to use the tools I had on smart notebook files, Like a line tool. I dont know why they would take most of those things out but I used them very frequently and now I dont know how to get to any of it. Please just make a smart notebook toolbar in lumio.
Thank you for your feedback! We love Notebook too; we've added functionality to it over the last 20 years and there's a lot in there.
We plan on continuing to add support for the best of Notebook features in Lumio and making your Notebook files work better when imported to Lumio. For example, we recently added support for shapes and lines and the MathType equation editor.
We would appreciate your input to help us prioritize the features that are the most important to you. Let us know your favorite specific features by voting on ideas. If you don't see your feature suggested already, create a new idea.
Thank you again, your suggestions will help shape the development of Lumio.
Kristen Rush commented
Just put the entire SMART toolbar into Lumio and you would convert us all.
Robert Teseo commented
One of those would be the compass tool for Geometry teachers!
Janet Erb commented
All tools for presenting in smart a a must in Lumio
--screen shade, line tools and shape tools for math, fade in/out, dual page to compare problems -
Sara Sampson commented
shapes, line tools, fade in/out, screen cover...
Anonymous commented
Line tools, pen tools, different kinds of locking, hyperlinking objects, and attaching sound files to objects!