Folders for Organization*
It would be wonderful to have a way to organize the files. A way to have folders and folders inside of folders would be great!
You can now use folders to organize content in your Lumio library!
If your library is connected to Google Drive, you can manage folders in Google Drive as before.
Neta Mitchell commented
Create folders to house Smartsuite files on your home page.
Ronald Fisher commented
What if SMART Learning Suite Online had the ability to put a folder that could be accessed by individual students.
The concept of sharing a lesson with the students is one path that you have working right now, but what if there were dedicated folders for each student to access more than one lesson. The idea is to differentiate lessons, but it is also an organization similar to Google Classroom where the folder for an assignment is shared with just that student.
Niyah commented
I would love to have a feature where you can put the activities into folders and sub folders based on topics and types of activities created. For example, I have created sight word matching games for my kinders and I update and create a new ones based on which words were mastered and which words they need to improve upon. I would like to have a folder just for these. Maybe a folder for math, phonics and writing (fill in the blank). Even folders for quizzes, games, independent work and partner work. This will help me know what I have created, where I can find it and what type of interactive activity I used to introduce or scaffold a topic or skill.
Anonymous commented
Folders would be great. Our country doesn't allow the use of g-suite or microsoft cloud services. The SLS is not usable this way, Folders are essential to using SLS on
a regular base. -
Anonymous commented
Definitely agree - folders makes it easier to organize content.
Anonymous commented
Would it be possible to have folders on the Smart Learning Suite Online home page so teachers could organize content by folders? We are not able to connect Google and SLS. As you add more content, the list gets too long to easily search.
Thanks for the feedback, everyone. Our goal is to help teachers save time by consolidating workflows. For Google users, the our GSuite integration should enable you to create, organize, and share lessons directly from Google Drive. Essentially, you don't need to use and context switch between the two. For Microsoft users, we are working on similar integration with Teams and OneDrive and other storage solutions to achieve the same effect.
Anonymous commented
There is a HUGE need to be able to organize the lessons we create into folders so that we can find them again. We have multiple sections of each grade level and will have to have multiple copies for each year.
I will have a difficult time getting my teachers to buy into using this if there is no way to organize lessons.
Thanks so much!
Anonymous commented
agree . would love to be able to group folders together
Nancy Biddinger commented
Yes, please. I can organize in my G-Drive, but when I go to my SLSO dashboard, I have to know where to look - I'm not always that organized.
Anonymous commented
I agree. I would love to be able to sort my activities by theme or concept.
Anonymous commented
It would be helpful if teachers could make folders on the home screen.
Kiana Cheverez commented
My students are first graders. I want my kids to use the app but they can't go to the game without it being in a specific folder. I also would love to see just my things organized. You don't just leave all your word documents all over your desktop.
Crelis Tuip commented
Very good idea! For organize folders in Office 365
Meagan commented
I agree!
Having the ability to save on our dashboard is great, but once you have a lot of them saved it can be hard to find what you need.
Anonymous commented
My district uses Microsoft 365. Currently my SLS Online files are in one big repository on my dashboard and there's no way to organize into folders. We are not a Google district, so the G-Suite organization doesn't work for us. Please either allow folders within the platform on the dashboard OR find a way to integrate with OneDrive Districts. Thank you!!
Sharon Mora commented
You can create folders in the Files section of the IFP. Click and hold on a document, when your do this and the document is selected you will see a folder with a plus sign appear in the breadcrumbs. Name the folder and drag and drop files into it. You can create nested folders by selecting the first folder you created and holding till selected, then use the Folder+ and create the folder to nest. One drawback is in order to drop files into a nested folder you need to do it as a two step process: first drag it into the original folder then into the nested. One nice feature though is if you are in a folder and create a new document it will be saved within the folder.
Anonymous commented
Folders to organize lessons by subject/category would be very helpful!
Anonymous commented
My district does not use G Suite, but I still need a way to be organized! Please offer folder organization in SLSO! Thanks!
Anonymous commented
Will you be doing this so it integrates with Office 365?