I know that we are now able to download the actual Lumio deck as a PDF file, however I'd like to be able to download completed student work as a PDF. My students do AMAZING work and I would like to be able to print it to share with parents, or hang in my classroom for displays. I currently have to take single screenshots of student work. It would be helpful if there were a way to download the work as a PDF for easy printing.

Thanks for the feedback. We are exploring providing a more detailed lesson report that includes an export of all student work from activities.
In the meantime, an alternative to taking a screenshot is to open the student work and print the page or save the printed page as a PDF.
Mikaela Elbourne commented
I would also love to do this! Sometimes we would like to put a snapshot of the student work on display or save it as evidence for learning. I would love to be able to download all handouts as a PDF (with student names) to be able to refer back to later, similar to how it is possible to download student responses in the quiz features.
Valdez, April (DCPS) commented
I came here for this! My lessons are pretty much completely digital, all the activity pages are in SMART within my lesson slide deck, but sometimes we need to reference the activity pages for lessons later in the unit, or for example for multiple writing days (brainstorming, drafting, editing etc.).
Jeannine Klaassen commented
I agree! And if the students' names could be a part of the download like they are on the screenshot of their work, that would be super helpful!
Nicole Solis commented
This is such a great suggestion! I love that teachers can now download the lessons, but this is actually a common question I've been asked by teachers who I coach. Many schools require teachers to post student work in their classrooms and in the hallway, so this would be an excellent feature for them!