See the Folders made in Google Drive IN Lumio
Love the new option to create Lumio folders in Google Drive. WOULD love it even more, if those folders appeared in Lumio as well. Example: I created a folder for math lessons in Google Drive. Would like to be able to view, use, locate and open a file from those folders in Lumio. Can you make this possible?

We are looking at options to synchronize folder views between Lumio and Google Drive. We'll keep you updated as things develop.
David Natalie commented
I don't have a lot to add that hasn't been said. I think the MAIN benefit from synchronizing with Google Drive is the ability to easily import. Organizing in google drive when it's not going to be reflected in Lumio OR on the Panel doesn't make sense. And interacting with Google Drive on the Panel through the android browser is clunky.
If the integration with google could just cover the importing of documents into the lumio library, and if it didn't touch organization within Lumio, I think we'd all be thrilled.
Joni Quintavalle commented
This is in response to a question from the Product Management team. Most teachers in our district who use the Lumio platform do much of their creation IN the Lumio platform and add in content from existing files in their google drive. They also would appreciate an easy way to view edit and open the Lumio files from Google Drive on their SMART Panels. When working from Google Drive, the files are there, but need to be opened in Lumio and then edited or enhanced. It seems like an extra step. There is not a way to edit a Lumio file inside of Google Drive without opening it in Lumio. Bottom line is that the Lumio files in Lumio should be organized and viewable the same way they are in Google Drive. Hoping you can help to make this happen!
JUAN ARRIETA commented
Having the connection with Google Drive is great, but not being able to see the folders we create to organize the various Lumio lessons we use and create within the Lumio dashboard is cumbersome. As is, my Lumio dashboard is already cluttered, and while I know that by going to my Google Drive and opening from there is possible, having to jump back and forth between the two is not ideal.
Beverly Denzer commented
We wish we could organize files within the Lumio dashboard that would sync with Google Drive. We've been able to organize the Google Drive folders, but that hrlp with the Lumio dashboard itself.
Jason Snyder commented
1. For design and creation, I use Google Slides because 1) it has more options and integrated tools to create visually pleasing slides/pages and 2) to my knowledge, there's no option for exporting or converting .sls files, which makes it difficult for teachers who are uncertain of what instructional tools will be available to them in the future (both near and distant).
2. Integration with Google Drive for importing slides is great. The ability to add pages/enhance "on the fly" is excellent.
3. It would be nice to be able to launch a Lumio lesson from Google Drive to the SMART panel. Currently, the "integration" is a shortcut to that opens in panel's browser (which doesn't work well with Lumio).
Richard Snow commented
Ideally, any Google Drive Folder that contains a Lumio file should be visible in Lumio, in the same way that Lumio folders are seen inside Lumio after you create them. Then clicking on that Google Drive folder(image/link) in Lumio will open that folder in Google Drive.
Maybe each Lumio file should have a "details" option where the user can see where that file is located in their Google Drive when in Lumio?
As well when the creation of a Lumio file is initiated in Google Drive folder and the transition to the Lumio interface occurs, maybe there should be a message that shows which Google Drive folder you are currently working in.
Finally, when opening a Lumio file in Google Drive, there should be two options: 1) start the file or 2) edit the file.
Hope this clarifies what I would like to see with Drive/Lumio use.
Nancy Biddinger commented
Yes, @Joni Quintavalle - I agree. I want folders in my Lumio landing. I know the engineers can do miracles - they do them all the time for us.
Joni Quintavalle commented
I understand how to make folders in Google Drive. However, once they are made, they do not appear as folders in Lumio like they do without the Google Drive Connection. In Lumio, they all appear as individual items. It would be GREAT if folders created in Google Drive appear in Lumio the same way. The google drive integration is nice to have, but working directly in Lumio within the folder would make it even better.