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SMART Notebook

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SMART Notebook



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  1. It would be awesome to be able to see a mini display of the student screens similar to what nearpod is able to show. Having to click on their names one by one to open is a hassle especially with a larger class. Please add this feature instead of just showing their names. THANKS!

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  2. Fix the equation editor in Notebook, has flaws with exponents.

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  3. I would like more themes for the smartboard activities. For the Fill in the Blank, there's only 3. It would be awesome if there were more!

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  4. Leider ist "Arial" eine Schriftart, bei der das "a" nicht so geschrieben wird, wie wir es in der 1.Klasse Volksschule lernen. Wenn ich einen Text verfasse kann ich ja die Schrift umstellen. Bei der Erstellung der Lernspiele allerdings habe ich keine Möglichkeit gefunden, diese umzustellen. Dies macht es für Kinder in der 1.Klasse sehr schwer manche Wörter zu lesen. Es wäre sinnvoll, wenn es zumindest einen weiteren Schrifttyp mit der Grundschulschrift geben würde. Vielen Dank!

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  5. Math Equation Editor

    It is not possible to type blank space in the Math Equation Editor, for example between number and unit/domension. Furthermore the equations look horrible in the newer version of the Math Equation Editor. Letters, numbers and characters are extemly close to each other, so it looks ugly. Please change this. I'm a teacher in Germany

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  6. Be able to customize the floating tool bar. I'd like to have specific things that I typically toggle between instead of going to the menu options each time.

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  7. 1 vote

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  8. 3 votes

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  9. Jag skulle vilja ha funktionen att kunna skriva kemiska formler i en funktion som liknar ekvations generatorn. Att kunna skriva både upphöjt och nedsänkt på samma position. Som att kunna skiva in masstal och atomnummer

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  10. Please can we have the original Pairs game back. The new version is just not the same. The children visiting our restored watermill are very disappointed when they cannot play the pairs matching games that we have set up and the dragon version just does not allow them to play in the same way.

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  11. I loved the spinning anagrams and balloon pop interactive and multimedia you all use to have. Please bring adobe flash player back. I would love to use all the lessons I created using it back in 2010 especially since I am teaching virtually now. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE.

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  12. 4 votes

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  13. I am currently using my wacom tablet as my smartboard (whiteboard) to share with students online. I would like to be able to set my preferences when I am not attached to a whiteboard. All of the ideas and support I have found make you attach to a smartboard to set up your preferences. I am working from home and do not have access to a smartboard at this time. My goal is to set my pen preferences to a certain width because they are too thick on my screen. To decrease the width size of my pen stroke, I…

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  14. Everywhere outside Notebook Digital ink is fast.
    You can see it in MS Whiteboard or in Ink Post its on the Desktop coming from SMART Ink.
    In Notebook it feels like there is latency while writing.

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  15. Enable inserting videos directly so we do not have to find links from you-tube or anywhere else to insert them. That way we can produce original content and load our own videos made in the classroom which makes it more specific to our classrooms. Thanks.

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  16. In my school, we used to use Senteo SRS. The remotes were awesome. Students did not have access to a computer to look up the answer. Unfortunately, this feature was phased out. I would like to be able to have the ability to create a test in Word or Google and import it into Smart Notebook directly from Smart Notebook. At this point, I have not been able to find such an option. The only way that I have been able to find to do that is to print to Smart Notebook from Word. This is not the most efficient…

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  17. We need updates for the Linux-Version!

    With Ubuntu 16.04 reaching EOL in the near future, we need an update for the Linux-Packages to be able to install them on 18.04 or even 20.04. We don't need the features from the newer Versions, we just need official support for Version 11 for newer Ubuntu Distros. Without it, schools here in Europe trying to teach using Linux need to buy more PCs and Windows Licences just for using the Smartboards they already own, which is money that could very well be spend in more important areas. With 16.04 and the old version,…

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  18. While the Activity Builder is still an option in Notebook 18, when converting to an online activity, the settings that provide for feedback are lost. The only way to get more than two sorting options is to make your own activity, but then to lose the feedback for that activity makes the activity pointless for the kids to know how they did. I would love the ability to add additional categories to the sorting activity or be able to create my own activity to add to the Online Learning Suite.

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  19. With the app on IPad, we can only use Dropbox or Google drive. In quebec, all the schools use onedrive.

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  20. I teach math with a smart board. Often times I end up using multiple colors to show, for example, how graphs of different functions relate to each other. It'd be great to be able to show/hide marks made with the green marker or one of the other colors with a single click (I realize it would be harder to implement with all colors but just the 4 marker colors would be great!).

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