7 results found
adobe flash player I loved the spinning anagrams and balloon pop interactive and multimedia you all use to have. Please bring adobe flash player back. I would love to use all the lessons I created using it back in 2010 especially since I am teaching virtually now. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE.
5 votesAdobe has ended Flash. This is not something that can be added back into Notebook. Alternatives to Flash are more common now. Hopefully you can find what you need in Notebook 23.
Bring back 22 Go back to Notebook 22, 23 version sucks.
2 votesThank you for your constructive feedback! It is very much appreciated.
It doesn't make for good marketing copy, but the bulk of the work implemented for 23.0 was architectural. The question we receive most often is whether Notebook will still be here in a year or two. With these (unseen) changes, the answer is emphatically yes. That said, it was not a seamless release, and we're making an effort to resolve the deficiencies as quickly as possible.
In Version 22 konnte man sehr einfach ein Bild vom Scanner einfügen. Wie geht das in Version 24? Warum macht man ein Programm von einer Version zur nächsten schlechter?
Ich möchte Scanner-Bilder wieder einfügen können.1 voteVielen Dank für Ihr Feedback. Wir haben festgestellt, dass dedizierte Scanner ein besseres Erlebnis und bessere Ergebnisse liefern als die Scanfunktion von Notebook. Zwar ist ein zusätzlicher Schritt erforderlich, um die PDF-Datei von ihrem gespeicherten Speicherort zu importieren, aber die Qualität dieser PDF-Datei ist durch die Verwendung der eigenen Software des Scanners besser.
Via Google Translate
Klavye tuşlarına kısa yol ataması Yapılabilsin Klavye tuşlarına kısa yol ataması Yapılabilsin
1 voteDizüstü bilgisayar, klavye tuşlarına yönelik mevcut kısayolları değiştirme seçeneğini içermez. Windows kullanıcılarının anahtarları değiştirmesine olanak tanıyan üçüncü taraf araçlar vardır, ancak bunun kullanıcı deneyiminiz üzerinde yaratacağı etki hakkında konuşamayız.
Bring Back the Maestro Feature in the latest updates!! Please bring back the Maestro feature on the latest update. This is the TOP reason I continue to use Smart Notebook and not Google Slides like everyone else. I don’t understand why features would be eliminated in the newest updates. It doesn’t make sense and is very disappointing. I loved having the ability of connecting my iPad to my desktop and using it to connect remotely. I could write on my Smart Notebook files without standing in front of my board and blocking their view. Features that work and teachers loved shouldn’t be taken away. I never thought something like…
1 voteHi Sabino, Maestro was deprecated as part of our Notebook 22 release. We have no plans on bringing the feature back. It simply required too much to support given the small amount of use it was receiving. All our efforts with Apple are an uphill battle, and Maestro is one of those casualties. We hope Notebook can continue to be useful to you in other ways.
Scrap version 23 My recommendation is to scrap version 23 and start again. Reading all the comments here and considering my own experience of the latest update, I suggest you go back to the last version and try to IMPROVE it if you have to make changes. If this is the SMART way to move everyone over to Lumio, lots of ardent supporters of SMART software will be lost on the way.
1 vote -
Install SMART software from a single msi for IT Distribution To distribute software on Microsoft Intune (being renamed Endpoint Manager), you can only use one MSI file. Working through support, I was told (as seen through my testing as well), that in order for the MSI to work, it needs to be executed from the same folder that the dependent MSTs reside in. This will not work with Intune/Endpoint manager as you can only attach one MSI to an "app."
The request is to create a single MSI for IT admins to for distribution that doesn't require any MST dependencies. This would resolve this issue and allow distribution through Intune/Endpoint…
1 voteHi Lee
The MST is where we keep our language packs. If you are installing in American English, you do not need to include the MST.
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