Bring Back the Maestro Feature in the latest updates!!
Please bring back the Maestro feature on the latest update. This is the TOP reason I continue to use Smart Notebook and not Google Slides like everyone else. I don’t understand why features would be eliminated in the newest updates. It doesn’t make sense and is very disappointing. I loved having the ability of connecting my iPad to my desktop and using it to connect remotely. I could write on my Smart Notebook files without standing in front of my board and blocking their view. Features that work and teachers loved shouldn’t be taken away. I never thought something like this would happen with any software. Why take away features in the new update??? Why make it more difficult to use? Please bring the Maestro feature back!!!! I have convinced so many teachers at my school to use Smart Notebook because of all its features that it has that Google Slides doesn’t have. If these features don’t come back, I guess I will have to use Google Slides from now.

Hi Sabino, Maestro was deprecated as part of our Notebook 22 release. We have no plans on bringing the feature back. It simply required too much to support given the small amount of use it was receiving. All our efforts with Apple are an uphill battle, and Maestro is one of those casualties. We hope Notebook can continue to be useful to you in other ways.