42 results found
Zoom Feature on a File Page The zoom feature in SMART Notebook is currently quite unintuitive and difficult to use in the classroom.
Default Zoom Level: The default zoom setting is at 230%, which is intended to fill a SMART Board screen. However, this level limits the zoom range, as the maximum zoom is only 300%, meaning you can only magnify content an additional 30%. This limited zoom range doesn’t offer the flexibility needed in a classroom setting, where a larger range would be more helpful. For comparison, a useful magnification tool would allow zooming in and out with larger, practical increments—similar to how a microscope…
2 votes -
Größenänderung von Objekten Durch Ziehen am Anfasser kann man die Größe eines Objektes ändern. Für Formen ist das in Version 22 nur proportional möglich, in Version 24 nur frei. Jeweils unabhängig vom Drücken der Shift-Taste! Grafiken lassen sich nur proportional skalieren.
Es wäre sinnvoll, das Verhalten zu vereinheitlichen:
Konsequenterweise sollte in jeder Version und für alle relevanten Objekte (Form oder Grafik) das Verhalten gleich sein: ohne Shift freie Größenänderung, mit Shift proportional.2 votesVielen Dank für Ihren Vorschlag! Wir werden dies für eine zukünftige Version berücksichtigen.
Tool Explorer V2 stamps I recently got my Smartboard 6000s and I love it so far. What I don't understand is why tool explorer stamps are not working in Notebook Software. Especially in maths it would be great for kids to place and count platelets with the stamps. it would also be great to make them programmable.
1 vote -
Make notebook file and pages be a background and go to the back of content already on the page , like it used to , not go on top. Make notebook file and pages be a background and go to the back of content already on the page. Now if you have added images and text and then decide to put square or lined paper or any background page, all content disappears form that page. Before it went to the background. The layering is wrong.
1 vote -
Text Boxes Please can you create a text box function? It's 2024 (almost 2025) and Notebook still doesn't have a working textbox function.
Please make a text box function, where you can align the text in different places inside the box and be able to format colours of both the text and the box.
Without this feature, it is painfully slow and arduous to make a text box, as you have to make a box, then some text and finally group them together.
1 vote -
Please add back the Insert from Scanner Option to Notebook I use the Insert from Scanner Option to Notebook all the time. Please add this back to the latest Notebook.
1 vote -
Formen durch Multitouch erkennen. Da das Board über 20 Touchpunkte verfügt, könnte man doch vielleicht die Formerkennung und proportionale Skalierung mit multitouch realisieren, wie dies z.B. in Procreate geht. Beispiel: ich male eine Ellipse und bleibe mit dem Stift am Ende auf dem Board, wodurch dir Form automatisch erkannt wird. Durch Aufsetzen eines Zeiten Fingers der anderen Hand erfolgt die Skalierung automatisch proportional.
1 vote -
exchange Notebook teacher share links no longer working with domain exchange.smarttech.com. Required to replace with http://smex.smarttech-prod.com/ in order to direct to shared lesson.
Submitted on behalf of customer, case 786397.1 vote -
Clone page stop things moving When cloning a page, everything on the page shifts around meaning it has to be readjusted to place it backs to where it was, hence wanting to clone the page to be the same.
1 vote -
TRANSPARENCY I miss the "Transparency" function, where you could lower or blur the background of an image. It is not included in the new version. RESET, that's the whole idea of Notebook. Thanks!
1 vote -
Install/update SmartNotebook with Winget package manager Hello,
I managed to get the application installation working via Microsoft Intune, however I would really appreciate it if you could try to publish the SmartNotebook in Winget package manager https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/package-manager/winget/. It would make my job very easy, as at the moment I have to do the updates on the end stations manually and as the application takes a very long time to install/update, it is not an efficient way.
I manage multiple elementary schools and there are a lot of computers with your application on them.
Thanks in advance for your reply.2 votes -
share option not available in Smart Notebook The share option in File menu is not available, even though I'm signed in.
I want to transfer my file over to Lumio with the "share" option in File menu, but can't click on it (not available)
1 vote -
Magic inkt to be erase with the erase - to put before a text being able to use a "magic inkt" to put a box above a text en being able to erase it with the eraser.
So we would be able to put our answers but they wont be visible for the students and when we need them we just have to erase the magic inkt...1 vote -
Cross hair has vanished from protactor! Can you reinstate please - or advise me how to do thos. Cross hair has vanished from protactor! Can you reinstate please - or advise me how to do thos.
1 vote -
Improve the SMART Cleanup Utility and Installation Process to Handle Leftover Registry Entries The current SMART Cleanup Utility does a decent job, but it doesn’t seem to catch all leftover files or registry entries from previous installations. This can create issues during uninstallation and reinstallation, causing registry conflicts that prevent new installs from working properly. Users sometimes have to resort to third-party tools with elevated privileges in Safe Mode to manually delete problematic registry entries, which is not an ideal solution.
It would be beneficial to improve the SMART Cleanup Utility or update the installation process to better handle these leftover files and registry entries to avoid similar issues in the future.
1 vote -
Exporting pdf Issues ONGOING Exporting pdf's still has issues with highlighting covering up text and also no options as per the old version 22!
1 voteMy apologies, Timothy. On further investigation, we were able to replicate this error. It only happen when the highlighter is added in a 23.x version of Notebook and then opened in 24.0. We will fix this error as quickly as possible. In the interim, if you delete an then reapply the highlighter, your PDFs will print normally from 24.0.
Our sincere apologies for the inconvenience.
1 vote
Sonya, I am able to reproduce your issue. Could you please reach out to https://www.smarttech.com/connect-with-smart/contact-support? A support agent will assist you with your issue.
Can you please recreate Vortex Sort? Please can you bring back Vortex sort in the tool kit. It was a great resource.
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Druck, PDF Export aus 4k Presenter Aus 4k Presenter ist kein PDF Export möglich. Bitte ermöglichen.
Die Druckfunktion in 4k Presenter druckt nur ein weißes Blatt.1 vote -
Auf Smart-Display erstelltes Tafelbild wird in SMART Notebook nicht vollständig angezeigt. Ich solle die Datei in 4K Presenter öffnen? Auf Smart-Display erstelltes Tafelbild wird in SMART Notebook nicht vollständig angezeigt. Ich solle die Datei in 4K Presenter öffnen?
Es kann doch kein Problem sein, die Datei entsprechend zu skalieren? Bitte diese Funktion in Notebook einbauen.
Alternativ: warum startet 4k Presenter nicht automatisch?1 voteThomas, können Sie bitte klarstellen, welche Version von SMART Notebook Sie verwenden? 4K Presenter ist eine Funktion von Notebook 22.1 und früher. Bei Notebook 23.0 ist 4K Presenter die Standardeinstellung. Das Seitenverhältnis entspricht dem des iQ Whiteboards. Bilder sollten keine Änderungen erfordern, um korrekt angezeigt zu werden. Wenn Sie eine Notebook-Version verwenden, die 22.1 oder älter ist, empfehlen wir Ihnen, auf unsere neueste Version, SMART Notebook 24.0, zu aktualisieren. Sie sollte Ihnen das gewünschte Erlebnis bieten.
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