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SMART Notebook

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SMART Notebook



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10 results found

  1. Je n'arrive pas à sélectionner le texte que je veux. C'est toujours décaler sur les lignes du bas. Dans l'exemple, j'essaie de sélectionner Exercices et c'est cours qui est sélectionné.

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  2. Get a recent files list when right-clicking on the SMART Notebook icon in the taskbar while using SMART Notebook 24.
    Used to be there now disappeared. Really useful when planning the day ahead and then closing the files before going home.

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  3. Dear Support Team,

    I am writing to express my deep dissatisfaction with the latest version of Smart Notebook, which has been causing significant disruptions in my workflow. After using the software for six years, I have never encountered such persistent issues, and I am now reconsidering whether to continue my subscription.

    Here is a list of the major problems I’ve encountered:

    • The software crashes at least twice per hour, making it highly unreliable.
    • It offers to restore lost data after a crash, but this function does not work as promised.
    • The handling of tables is terrible, with constant glitches that…
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    Hi Anna

    I understand your frustration. If you would be willing to send us some of the .notebook files where you experience these issues, it would help us identify and resolve the issues as quickly as possible.

    If so, please reach out to to send the files to the Notebook product team.

    Thank you.

  4. I use SmartNotebook all the time, but my school just changed my board to a BenQ. I cannot use the writing feature on the board.

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  5. 1 vote

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  6. Auf Smart-Display erstelltes Tafelbild wird in SMART Notebook nicht vollständig angezeigt. Ich solle die Datei in 4K Presenter öffnen?
    Es kann doch kein Problem sein, die Datei entsprechend zu skalieren? Bitte diese Funktion in Notebook einbauen.
    Alternativ: warum startet 4k Presenter nicht automatisch?

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    Thomas, können Sie bitte klarstellen, welche Version von SMART Notebook Sie verwenden? 4K Presenter ist eine Funktion von Notebook 22.1 und früher. Bei Notebook 23.0 ist 4K Presenter die Standardeinstellung. Das Seitenverhältnis entspricht dem des iQ Whiteboards. Bilder sollten keine Änderungen erfordern, um korrekt angezeigt zu werden. Wenn Sie eine Notebook-Version verwenden, die 22.1 oder älter ist, empfehlen wir Ihnen, auf unsere neueste Version, SMART Notebook 24.0, zu aktualisieren. Sie sollte Ihnen das gewünschte Erlebnis bieten.

  7. "Reset page" messes up images
    When trying to "reset page" between classes, images just appear as grey boxes.

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    0 comments  ·  Notebook 23  ·  Admin →
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  8. The gray bar to scroll through page sorter doesn't work anymore. It only scrolls one page down and shows a red circle with a line through it. When trying to scroll from page 1 to 50, this is a pain to now have to just use the arrow

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  9. Add the ability to pause a recording using QuickTime to Record the SMART notebook.

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  10. I often print one slide in "two-up" printing i.e. 2 pages to the sheet. This can only be achieved by first cloning the page and printing the 2 pages, and then deleting again afterwards. In some software (e.g. MS Word) you can print the same page twice e.g. "1,1" would print page 1 twice, allowing efficient printing.

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