Allow the teacher to join in as a student in a workspace
Need the ability to join lumio as a teacher vs student so as a teacher I can join from another device (iPad) and write with an iPad on the slides vs stand and write on the smartboard. I need the teacher to control the smartboard from an iPad, move through the slides and write on the iPad so students can see in lumio. We have teachers that don’t want to have to stand and draw on the smartboard when very pregnant or have broken leg or other medical reasons they want to teach without standing and physically touching the smartboard. Running the slides from a windows computer works but not when wanting to draw out math problems and write. Using a computer mouse doesn’t draw well. You can almost do this scenario now by joining as a student and making the activity workspace active but with using the student lead option, moving through the slides on the iPad doesn’t change the slide on the smart screen. When teacher lead is selected, and when the teacher is joined to the class on the ipad (as a student), what is drawn on the ipad shows on the screen , but the slides cant be changed on the iPad so the teacher still has to get up and touch the smartboard to move to next slide.