Need extension to calibrate/align boards using chrome os
I'm IT admin and our school is go towards all chrome os. We need an extension to calibrate our boards using chrome OS. Promethian has this, here's the link..
I talk to many other IT admins in schools ad this is a big resistance to your product.

Brian Unger commented
Please contact Google to enable the flag "Enable/disable touchscreen calibration option in material design settings" in the stable version of Chrome OS. This allows Smart Boards to work with Chrome OS by allowing touch input to apply to the correct display without having screen mirroring be on at all times, which is very impractical. Many schools and businesses would benefit from this as they cannot use flags due to security and privacy concerns. Because of not having this flag, Smart Boards become used primarily as non-interactive displays. This leads to schools abandoning them altogether. This feature has been a flag since March 28, 2017, in Chrome OS Version 59. I appreciate your help.