Feedback for: Installer
Tell us what you liked, disliked and any suggestions.

Helena commented
No problems with the installer on the platform win 10.
Anonymous commented
No issues with the installer.
Sari commented
install failed twice--did not install smart response. Third time was the charm--trying it all out now.
Anonymous commented
No problems with the installer:)
Felicia Douwes commented
The installer was easy and fast.
Eric Peterson commented
Seemed super fast and easy to me.
José Luis Rey Diez commented
The same as Tine: when o try to open The software I get an error report
Tine commented
I had no problems with the installation process, but when I tried to open the software I got an error report....
Anonymous commented
Install Failed repeatedly...not sure why this is, but I am so disappointed!
PLEASE help!
Send error report three times, but no contact with help has yet happened...
Stefan Schwarz commented
There were no problems with the installation on my MacBook.
Yuliya commented
I can not instal smart 16.1
Anonymous commented
No problems in Windows 10, quick installation
Anonymous commented
It was a lot easier, no issues.
Maria Grazia commented
No problems, it seems faster
Dan Bohn commented
No problems with the installer!
Rosalinda Estrada Leza commented
no problems with the installation
Danesa Menge commented
I had to open the installer from my Google my site/district that would confuse a lot of people.
Anonymous commented
I had to open the installer from my Google my site/district that would confuse a lot of people.
Anonymous commented
No problems with installer
Johan Mulder commented
Got a error on all my devices, surface pro and pc win 10