Open with Smart 22
Can we please have a feature that allows us to open all files in Smart22 rather than clicking "view" and then "open in 22".
The new version of Smart seems to have taken a GIANT step back.
You can now set which version of Notebook, 22.2 or 23.1, launches from your desktop shortcut. This option is available in your User Preferences settings.
Tara commented
Indeed... So many ESSENTIAL features missing... I'm not able to use Notebook at all anymore... Have to go back on 22... :(
- commented
1. You cannot place items on screen and then line it up with arrow nudges - it just clicks off the item and takes about ten attempt to grab and move.
2. The weight of text is diminished and now difficult to see.
3. Can't Control+Copy then Control+Paste - it just disappears.
4. The covert to PDF advanced menu is gone - I cannot adjust any settings.This version has increased my time of production by at least a factor of 3. Can I suggest that your programmers need to have practice at actually using SMART notebook.
Michael Ellis commented
When opening Smart Notebook when you open a file and start writing there is a small curser that shows up where you put your pen. I know for a fact that teachers will find this annoying as it was told to me. Smart notebook should show us a way to that the curser does not show when you are writing. Is there a way to fix this.