Please Bring the Screen Capture Tool Back to Notebook!!!
It looks like the category choices need to be updated since the latest still says Notebook 18. This is for Notebook 23. Please bring Screen Capture back to the NB toolbar, or at least have it as an option for customizing and adding to the toolbar. This is sorely missed!!!!! Even if it's in SMART Ink, that doesn't help at all when at home creating lessons. Ugh!!!! The "window" capture hasn't worked in years, but if you could bring back the other three options, that would be amazing. And also, separate thought, not at all a fan of the new blue boxes that go around text when it's selected. It's temperamental and not at all as easy to use as it used to be. Thanks
The capture tool was excluded from the 23.0 toolbar in error. It has been returned in the 23.1 update that is now available.
Justin Wilkes commented
I have found if you use the microsoft snipping tool which I use a lot. you can snip an image, hit control c, then go to smart software and hit control v. seems to work
This feature's absence was an error. It will be fixed in the 23.1 release in August 2023.
Mr. Pinto commented
Screen capture tool is gone from the top menu in Notebook 23
I use this tool for everything and it was very handy when we had easy access to it on the top of the menu. Now you have to search for it in the drop down headers. Could you please put this tool back in the top menu? Thank you. -
Oli Saunders commented
Shift + Windows key + S will do the job for you
James Cala commented
Restore "Capture" tool to version 23.