Smart Notebook 23 has issues with version 22 files such as backgrounds etc.
The support suggestion to open version 23 first rather than opening the previous version 22 file directly is not good. It immediately breaks the version 22 file if it has any backgrounds such as lined paper and graph paper. Response from SMART Support.
I have reviewed the files you sent. I can see the issues with the arrangement of text boxes.
The issue is likely the result of the change that was made to SMART Notebook 23's workspace. The workspace is not a strict 16:9 aspect ratio. The issue persisted for you when you tried to open the files in Notebook 22.2 due to the fact that when you select that option in Notebook 23, the file is automatically saved as it appears and then relaunches in Notebook 22.
Due to this, any files that you've already opened in Notebook 23 and saved (either manually or by selecting Open in Notebook 22), cannot be reverted to their original formatting and would have to be edited or readjusted by the teacher using them.
As a workaround for future files, I would suggest opening Notebook 23 directly (not by double clicking an existing lesson) so that the software opens a blank new file. Once open you can select the "Open in 22" option from the View menu. After the software relaunches Notebook 22.2, you can then choose Open from the File menu and open your files. Alternatively once you have the software open as Notebook 22, you can drag and drop your files into the workspace where they will open like normal.
It needs to be consistent with other versions and not re-format the existing files. I've had teachers in tears. :-(