Animated objects (fade in) + not animated + grouping = invisible?
Version 22.
I group some lines and text and I animate it with "fade in". I get ‘shape 1’.
Shape 1 and needs to be clicked on to animate. I click on it to make it visible.
Then I add some numbers on it 3 4 5.
Then I group it.
And then the animated part becomes invisible (and the 3 4 5 stay visible)
Wanted solution
When grouping items, for which part is animated with for example "fade in", please make sure to set property visible to true and then remove fade in, then only group.
Also ... on a side track. When I have objects grouped, then animated. I notice that I must first select "Fade out", before I can select "None", before I can remove the animation. Preferably .. when grouped animated items are un-grouped, remove animation automatically.
Please help!