Linux is missing!
You have not come out with a version of Smart Notebook since 11. What's more, the last version of Smart Notebook 11 for Linux does not work on 64 bit distros, only 32 bit ones. 32 bit distros are being phased out. Linux users need a current version of your software, and it needs to work on 64 distros, particularly Ubuntu.

Anonymous commented
We need a Smart Notebook for linux mint 64bit.
Yossi kopyto commented
It doesn't work on Linux Debian :(
IT-support / Finland commented
This is sad! We have an school who invested in SmartBoards in every classroom. The thing then some years ago and still now today is that we use Debian Linux in our municipality schools with ever growing success and the reason we bought SmartBoards and not some other brand was becose Smart came with support for Linux. How is it legal to sell something this expensive and then just abandon some of your customers after a while?
If Smart dont have the skills to make a Linux 64-bit version of at least NoteBook 11 then why not just opensource some parts and lett the Linux community develop at least som new working board drivers.
Anonymous commented
Yes, we need new version of Smart Notebook for Linux!
ek001ek ek001ek commented
I would like reinforce this statement.
Smart Notebook starts in Linux 5times quicker on my old Linux Laptop than in up to date PCs.Shools in Europe are migrating to Linux.
We need an alternative to WIndows.Notebook11 does'nt work on actual LInux-Distros.
I'm still working with Ubuntu 16.04, because of SmartNotebook.Can you at least update the 11.Version, so i can Use it on Ubuntu 18, 19...
E. Karakus
Teacher in Germany. -
Thomas Krupa commented
can you update your linux drivers as well as notebook 11? it's a shame that you do not invest more in linux.
Anonymous commented
We do not always have the most current hardware, which is something needed to run windows 7/10 without a headache. I have linux running on older hardware without the problems I had on 7. Now if you could just include linux as a supported OS Smart notebook 17 would be complete.
Niwi Hamburg commented
I guess Smarts Techs currently nearly non-existent Linux support is a result of Smart Amp, their common child with Google. In the USA and Canada schools can switch to Chromebooks in order to have a cheaper solution than windows-based computers. Instead of porting Smart Notebook to Chrome OS they started Smart Amp as an alternative. Because of Chromebooks there is little interest in Linux in American k12-schools.
Smart Tech seems to overlook that because of more restricted privacy policies neither Smart Amp nor Chromebooks are an option for public schools in many European countries - especially Germany. Instead Linux becomes an interesting alternative in order to cut costs. The same might be true for some Asian, south-American and African parts of the world.
More European schools might switch from Windows to Linux in case Microsoft will stay with its policy to force yearly auto-upgrades for any Windows 10 version less than Enterprise. This new policy forces k12 schools to switch to an expensive subscription plan for Windows 10 Enterprise if they want to avoid huge admin-problems with Windows 10 Pro.
Technologies like Snap and Flatpak are making it much easier to support Linux than in the past. If Smart Notebook will no longer be available under Linux schools might change not only their operation system but their iwb-solution as well. Free solution like OpenBoard might become much more interesting in the future. -
Srećko commented
Buying commercial operating system for all teacher PC for our 5 smart boards in our educational center where all other computers are running Linux based system is kinda sad.