Moveable Smart Ink Clearing Tool Needed
We need to be able to move the smart ink clearing tool to a different position on the screen. Having it in the upper right corner hides vital info and buttons on some webpages. *Enlarging the button would help as well!

Peter Knox commented
I agree, the button being moveable would help (it's particularly annoying as I am right handed so spend most of my time at the left side of the board so the button is really far away). Or...
Make the regular ink and touch tool (which is currently moveable) have a clear ink feature on it that we can add to our favourites).
And if it had an undo last ink function too that would be even better!
(I'm using a PC in case that is helpful)
AdminCP (Admin, SMART Technologies) commented
Hello Daniel,
Can you please tell me if you are using Windows or Mac?
Daniel Radersma commented
The window tool covers my minimize button and I often end up minimizing my screen when I try to click the tool to clear my screen. This is one of my biggest frustrations when trying to use the board. It needs to be addressed!