Because the beta expires on January 31, 2017, this screen is showing the activation status as the days remaining until then.
The fact that it is showing 82 days (instead of the 45 days that comes with a new trial) shows me that your license is working as expected to get you beyond the 45-day trial expiry.
The real release will not have this behavior, and will just show you your normal license status (and normally, you wouldn't see this window at all when you have an activated license).
Because the beta expires on January 31, 2017, this screen is showing the activation status as the days remaining until then.
The fact that it is showing 82 days (instead of the 45 days that comes with a new trial) shows me that your license is working as expected to get you beyond the 45-day trial expiry.
The real release will not have this behavior, and will just show you your normal license status (and normally, you wouldn't see this window at all when you have an activated license).